Emory Kale


Society of Information Display Announces 2023 Board of Directors

by Emory Kale

The Society for Information Display (SID) is pleased to announce its 2023 board of directors. SID is the only professional organization dedicated to the worldwide electronic display and visual information technology industries, and plays …

Tags:SID Society

DTEN To Debut New Multi-Platform Range of Products at ISE 2023

by Emory Kale

DTEN, manufacturer of all-in-one video conferencing solutions,  has announced that it will showcase several brand new Multi-Platform products at Integrated Systems Europe 2023 (ISE) later this month, including the new D7X Dual, DTEN Vue side cameras …

Tags:DTEN| ISE 2023| Large Display Monitor

Kandao Launches Standalone Video Conferencing Terminal at CES 2023

by Emory Kale

Kandao is excited to announce the launch of the Meeting Ultra, a 360 conferencing device with two attached tiltable touchscreens to enable users to have conference meetings anywhere, anytime, any way they like. The …

Tags:CES 2023| Kandao| VideoConferencing

Clap introduces Organic Thin Film Transistor (OTFT) application technology

by Emory Kale

At CES 2023, CLAP showcased OTFT applications of OLED Mobile large-screen fingerprint and transparent Micro LED. After acquiring OTFT material patents and technologies from Germany’s BASF, CLAP has its own organic semiconductor research fab and is …

Tags:CES 2023| CLAP| MicroLED| OLEDs| Organic TFTs| Transparent Displays

Vestel Adds VIDAA to its Smart TVs Offerings

by Emory Kale

VIDAA USA, signed a multi-year partnership with Vestel to provide a turnkey operating system to one of Europe’s leading Smart TV manufacturers. The deal will expand the presence of the VIDAA platform in Europe, powering Toshiba branded TVs …

Tags:Smart TV| Vestel| VIDAA