The smallest of the three display specialists at the World ATM event was Foreseeson of Korea which was showing monitors for ATC applications which it sells under its Wide brand. The company has been making these monitors for around twelve years.
The company showed us its exclusive design of backlight. The company’s 28″ 2K x 2K monitor has replaceable backlight units, which slide out of the bottom of the unit. The design has the advantage that, unlikely direct backlights in trays, which leave parts of the display dark, because the design has backlights on both sides, the display remains illuminated across the whole area even if only one is working. The company also told a prospective customer that the tray-type designs cost ‘thousands of €’ more.
The monitor also has a dual PSU option. The backlight can be calibrated in brightness and in colour. Although most clients use a D6500 white point, clients in Asia often prefer a more blueish image.
Wide’s ISP2810SQ Monitor fits the 2K x 2K standard
The Wide monitor has dual edge backlights which slot in. Image:Meko
Wide also showed a 24″ Tower monitor, the IDP2400HB which uses a 1920 x 1200 panel and has up to 750 cd/m² of output, with a minimum level of 5 cd/m². As with others, the company doesn’t expect users to run at this high level of brightness, but the capability means that there is lots of room for a decline in the backlight, so the life of the monitor can be very long. As well as the 24″, the company has a 21.3″ with high brightness.
The company told us that the 43″ option, with UltraHD is also becoming a more popular option and NITA, the Russian service provider, was showing a Wide 43″ monitor on its booth. Although it uses a ‘commercial grade’ open cell, the company quotes the lifetime as 80,000 hours.
Wide had a couple of its monitors on the NITA booth. Image:Meko