

Reflect Choose PixelFLEX LED Display for Macy’s Brooklyn

by Andrew Fenn

Macy’s in downtown Brooklyn, New York, has employed the services of long-term visual innovation partner Reflect for its latest Digital-Out-of-Home advertising renovation. Reflect chose the FlexLite NXG 3.9mm LED video display from PixelFlex for …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LED| Retail| USA| Vol 24 - Issue 39

Digital Signage Roll Out for Westfield in the US

by Andrew Fenn

Shopping giant Westfield is in the process of rolling out a modern digital signage solution to its 17 malls in the US, in a new partnership with Esprit Digital, which supplied the hardware. The …

Tags:Digital Signage| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 39

Take a Look at Digital Signage at New IKEA in Sheffield

by Andrew Fenn

Beaver Group has continued its nationwide DOOH project with IKEA, providing digital signage for its new Sheffield branch, which opened earlier this month. The digital signage solution includes displays throughout the store and in …

Tags:DOOH| Large Display Monitor| QSRs & Menu Boards| Retail| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 24 - Issue 38

LG Shows Off Signature OLED TV W7 in Frankfurt

by Andrew Fenn

Following in the footsteps of Hamburg, Stuttgart and Berlin, Frankfurt also now has its own LG Signature showroom at the Thonet Concept Gallery. Furniture manufacturer Thonet opened the showroom on September 28th, featuring products …

Tags:Germany| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 37

Sharp Taiwan Makes Multi-Million Dollar Retail Store Investment

by Andrew Fenn

Sharp’s Taiwan branch has announced that it has invested NT$546.88 million (US$17.98 million) in local retail chain Aurora Telecom, acquiring a 34% share in the business according to the Taipei Times. (left to right) …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| sharp| Taiwan| Vol 24 - Issue 37

Stratacache Acquires Retail Insight Company Walkbase

by Andrew Fenn

Intelligent digital signage firm Stratacache has announced it has acquired Finland-based creator of retail analysis tools, Walkbase. This latest acquisition is all part of Stratacache’s ongoing growth of its customer experience strategy—the company defines …

Tags:Beacons| Digital Signage| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 37

European Retailers Look to Video

by Bob Raikes

Brightcove has conducted research among European retailers and has found that they are looking at how to develop their brands using video content. 61% already offer some kind of content services, but a further …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OTT Video| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 36

Innovative Digital Displays for Volkswagen Concept Store

by Andrew Fenn

Volkswagen’s first concept store has opened at the Bullring shopping centre in Birmingham, England. The ultra-modern store concept, designed by Dalziel & Pow, features a range of innovative display technology to attract and excite …

Tags:Automotive| Large Display Monitor| large displays| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 33

Samsung and Xbox Partner for XBox One X Console

by Bob Raikes

Samsung has joined with Microsoft to jointly promote the XBox One X in the US with Samsung’s Quantum Dot LCD(‘QLED’) TVs. Samsung said it has reduced the input latency to less than 20ms to …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Microsoft| Retail| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)| USA| Vol 24 - Issue 33| xBox

Euronics Now Truly in EMEA

by Bob Raikes

The Euronics press event changes every year and this year there was a ‘theatrical’ presentation in German that was intended to highlight the desire of Euronics to be the leader in the Smart Home …

Tags:CE (Consumer Electronics) Data| IFA 2017| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 33

Eyevis UK Celebrates Five-Year Milestone

by Andrew Fenn

Eyevis UK provides an unnamed, high-profile retailer’s flagship store on Oxford Street round-the-clock surveillance and security. This week the company is celebrating five years of trouble-free operation at the store. eyevis UK supplies a …

Tags:Back Panel| Large Display Monitor| Retail| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 24 - Issue 32

Westfield US Boosts Digital Presence

by Bob Raikes

Westfield Malls in the US has been investing to boost its digital displays in its shopping malls. The latest version of its platform uses cameras and sensors to capture audience metrics and that is …

Tags:Digital Signage| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Retail| Vol 24 - Issue 32