
A Finnish 75″ LCD Outdoor Display

by Shawnee Blackwood

Kuori has become the first OEM to implement the Google framework for enterprise devices licensing agreement (EDLA) certification for use in large outdoor screens.

Tags:Digital Signage| DOOH| InfoComm 2023| Kuori| LCD

AUO Scaling Back in Singapore and Focusing on MicroLED

by Omid Rahmat

Nikkei Asia is reporting that AUO is planning to scale back production at its Singapore facility and potentially relocate some of the equipment to Taiwan as part of its increased focus on advanced MicroLED …

Tags:AUO| Automotive| LCD| MicroLED| OLED

The 16K LCD at Display Week 2023: A Dissenting Voice

by Bob Raikes

BOE, showed some very cool products based on LCD technology including a 110” 16K (not a typo – 16 times the pixels of 4K!) LCD that received a tepid reception by ‘the gadget press’. They missed the point.

Tags:16K| BOE| Large Display Monitor| LCD