Deepsky of Hong Kong is still developing its mass production product which is based on 0.9mm pitch Chip-on-board LED technology and which we have been reporting on since our interview with the company at ISE in 2016. Deepsky Challenges Silicon Core at ISE The company has installed a couple of systems of its pre-mass production systems in Dior, for example and also has a 7.5 m2 display that it has recently supplied . The current early version is running with just 600Hz, but will be 3600 Hz with 15 bits of grey scale when the final version is finished.
At ISE, last year, Deepsky was talking about 5,000 cd/m2 as its target brightness, but at the moment the target is 3,000 cd/m2. We talked about the surface of the display – partly in the light of the Sony reflective surface and we heard that the company can provide matt surfaces.
The main display when we went by the booth was only partially clad in pre-production display devices – a problem with shipment, it seems. However in the back was a small panel of the final display, which looked pretty good to us. We weren’t allowed to take close up pictures, though!
DeepSky wouldn’t let us get nearer to its COB LEDs than this with our camera! Image:Meko