Barry Young


NS Nanotech Solves the Binning & Green Gap Problems for Micro LEDs

by Barry Young

MicroLEDs were center stage at DisplayWeek, with the promise of OLED performance but higher lifetimes, luminance and lower power consumption. The MicroLED presentations at the Business Conference, Symposium, Seminars and Short Courses hailed the …

Tags:MicroLED| MiniLED

QD-OLED Production to Start without Endorsement of Samsung Visual

by Barry Young

Samsung Display and its sister companies, Samsung Mobile and Samsung Visual have been conflicted over the last couple of years. Samsung Mobile wants a second source for OLED panels and has reached out to …

Tags:MicroLED| QD OLEDs| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)

eMagin Announces A Direct Patterned OLED Micro Display With 7,500 Nits

by Barry Young

The VR/AR revolution has not materialized as expected by the illustrious leaders of Facebook, Apple, Google and just about all market researchers have had to drop their forecasts year after year. In 2019, 6.9m …

Tags:Augmented Reality| eMagin| Forecasts| Market Data| Microdisplays| MicroLED| Virtual Reality

TCL and JOLED Connect to Make IJP OLED TV Panels

by Barry Young

TCL’s CSoT and JOLED formed an alliance to “start joint-development of large-sized OLEDs for TV”, printed with RGB pixels. CSoT has a Gen 6 OLED fab in Wuhan for small/medium displays and has prototyped …

Tags:China| CSOT| InkJet Deposition| Investment| JOLED

A Wake Up Call to the North American Display Industry

by Barry Young

The NY Times on 6/12, ran a story on how China’s technological ambitions are eliciting rare bipartisan agreement in Washington, with lawmakers considering investing tens of billions of dollars in America’s semiconductor industry over …


OLED Flexible Smartphone Panel Shipments Projected to Grow 62% Y/Y in 2020

by Barry Young

Looking through a microscopic lens rather than a telescopic lens, market experts at DisplayWeek 2019’s Business Conference, postulated that flexible OLED capacity should be converted to rigid capacity because rigid displays were outselling flexible …

Tags:AMOLED| Flexible Displays| OLED Fabs| Small Medium Panel Supply

Are QLEDs Still Competitive in the Luxury TV Market? (Part 2)

by Barry Young

In Part 2 of the article, (part 1 is here) I will discuss the differences in luminance between LCD TVs and OLED TVs and the effect of FALD on the implementation of HDR. Part …

Tags:Direct Backlights| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LCD Backlights| LG Displays (LGD)| OLED TVs

Are QLEDs Still Competitive in the Luxury TV Market? (Part 1)

by Barry Young

This is a two-part article. Part 1 investigates how QLED and OLEDs compete in front of screen performance and how QLEDs use various techniques to improve viewing angle in 4K and 8K TVs and …

Tags:OLED TVs| QD OLEDs| Quantum Dots| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Testing

Automotive Display Shipments Reached 148m in 2017

by Barry Young

Automotive display panels totalled ~148m units last year and unit volumes are expected to grow to ~170m units this year, but with displays ranging in size from 1.5” to 20+”, it is difficult to …

Tags:Automotive| Forecasts| Market Data| Vol 25 - Issue 23

Don’t Let Image Sticking Damage the Reputation of OLEDs

by Barry Young

With the release of the iPhone X, Apple expects color and hue shifting at off-angles as a characteristic of the OLED display. Apple also says iPhone X has the best OLED display in the …

Tags:OLEDs| Vol 24 - Issue 42