

Sharp Bridges High-Res Gap

by Tom Allen

Sharp’s press conference was primarily used to announce progress with existing technologies, such as IGZO. However, there were some particularly interesting displays shown, which were familiar to us but hadn’t been seen before. Toshiyuki …

Tags:CES 2015| Free Form Displays| IGZO| Large Display Monitor| LCD displays| LFD - Large Format Display| MEMs Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| sharp| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 22 - Issue 04

Sharp to Supply Free-Form to Nintendo

by Bob Raikes

Sources have told The Japan Times that Sharp is likely to supply its Free-Form Display (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 25) to Nintendo. The FFD has a minimal bezel and does not need to …

Tags:LCD displays| Mobile Display Monitor| sharp| Vol 21 - Issue 50

High-Res and Weatherproofing at ISE

by Bob Raikes

A successor model to Panasonic’s (1.P20) PT-DZ21K (Display Monitor Vol 19 No 6) will be on show. Additionally, the company will demonstrate laser projectors and an UltraHD model using a new ‘quadrupling’ technology (this …

Tags:ISE 2015| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Panasonic| Peerless AV| sharp| Vol 21 - Issue 50

Bharp: Turkey Most Foul

by Helen Vince

TVs – Today is our Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, when we travel long distances to have overly large family dinners with people we don’t like. The traditional main dish is roast turkey, and …

Tags:sharp| TVs (TV Sets)| USA| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Best Buy Licenses Sharp Brand

by Raverstead

Best Buy and Sharp have signed a licensing agreement (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 43) which allows the US chain to use Sharp’s brand on three recently released HDTVs. The new line comprises 32″, …

Tags:Best Buy| Large Display Monitor| sharp| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 46

Sharp to Raise Chinese Supply

by Raverstead

Sharp will supply LCD panels to as many as 25 Chinese smartphone manufacturers from spring 2015, says The Nikkei newspaper. That is 10 more than the company supplies today.

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| sharp| Small Medium Panel Supply| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 45

Sharp Achieves New Pixel Density

by Raverstead

There have been two stories lately about high-resolution panels developed by Sharp. First is a continuation of the UltraHD smartphone panel rumour that we covered last month (Display Monitor Vol. 21 No 43); this …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Resolution| sharp| Small & Medium Displays| UltraHD| Vol 21 - Issue 45

IDTechEx Forecasts 8km² Area Demand for MO Backplanes

by Raverstead

IDTechEx has released a new report focusing on metal oxide (MO) backplanes. These are in use by both Sharp and LG (IGZO), and are being prototyped by Chinese companies such as BOE. 7km² of …

Tags:AMOLED| BOE| IdTechEx| Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| Metal Oxide| Mobile Display Monitor| Oxide TFTs| sharp

SEMCA Names Interim USA President

by Raverstead

Sharp Electronics Marketing Company of America (SEMCA) has announced the appointment of Jim Sanduski as interim president, following the sudden departure of John Herrington, who had been president of SEMCA for more than four …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| People| sharp| USA| Vol 21 - Issue 44

Sharp Result 31/10/2014

by Raverstead

Sharp Corporation returned to profit in the first six months of the year, reporting a net profit of ¥4.7 billion ($40.9 million) on turnover of ¥1.32 trillion ($11.5 billion), which compares with a net …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| sharp| Vol 21 - Issue 44

Sharp Secures ¥10 Billion Bank Loan

by Raverstead

Japan’s Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. (SMBC), is to provide Sharp with a loan of ¥10 billion ($87.2 million), indicating the banking sectors’ improving confidence in Sharp’s turnaround strategy. The news came as Sharp reported …

Tags:Financial Data| Japan| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| sharp| Vol 21 - Issue 44

Product Roundup Vol 21 Issue 48

by Raverstead

A set of portable dome projection displays has been released by Barco. The TD series is available with one, three or five projectors: the F35 and F50 on the single-projector models (TD-135, TD-150); F22 …

Tags:Barco| Dell| Desktop Monitors| Epson| Installation Projectors| JVC| Large Display Monitor| LCD Projectors (3LCD)| Mobile Display Monitor| Philips| sharp| toshiba| Vol 21 - Issue 48