

Apple to Make Micro LED Displays this Year?

by Norbert Hildebrand

In an article published by Taipei Times, they break the news that according to IDC analyst, Annabelle Hsu, Apple is preparing to manufacture micro LED displays by the end of 2017 and entering into …

Tags:Apple| Apple Watch (iWatch)| Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Taiwan| Vol 24 - Issue 13

Immy to Develop MicroLED-based HMD for AR & VR

by Matthew Brennesholtz

Immy Inc. has developed the Immy Neo iC 60 see-through HMD, initially for augmented reality (AR) applications but follow-on units will eventually be usable for virtual reality (VR) applications as well. This unit is …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| MicroLED| OLEDs| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 11

Power Is Nothing Without Batteries

by Bob Raikes

I’m writing this editorial on the plane on the way back from the MWC event in Barcelona. My tablet is having to be used with its ‘hunt and peck’ keyboard. Although I’m usually very …

Tags:Editorial| Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2017| Vol 24 - Issue 08

MicroLED Heads for Commercialisation

by Bob Raikes

We’ve covered microLED quite a lot over the last couple of years. Any technology where Apple buys a leading company (Luxvue in this case) is bound to become a topic of interest and, as …

Tags:MicroLED| Vol 24 - Issue 08

Is Micro LED the Next Big Thing or Not?

by Norbert Hildebrand

I love writing about new technologies, in most cases they offer so much opportunity and so little is known about the real challenges the technology will have to face. I vividly remember discussions about …

Tags:display technology| LCD| LED| MicroLED| OLED Fabs| Vol 24 - Issue 08

Apple Patent Covers Mesh-like Flexible Display

by Bob Raikes

Apple has filed a patent application for a stretchable display, Apple Insider reports. The patent covers a display that is built on a the idea that the display elements are mounted on a mesh-like …

Tags:Apple| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Novel Displays| Vol 24 - Issue 06

Ostendo Develops First Vertically Integrated RGB LED

by Chris Chinnock

Most Daily Monitor readers know Ostendo Technologies as the company that developed LED-based light field displays with significant support from the Air Force Research Labs (AFRL). That effort has not received additional funding from …

Tags:MicroLED| Novel Displays| Vol 24 - Issue 08

Kopin’s New OLED Microdisplay Foundry Model is Innovative

by Chris Chinnock

Kopin has just issued a press release that states their intention to enter the OLED microdisplay market, offering panels that will serve augmented and virtual reality applications. At CES 2017, they will announce more …

Tags:CES 2017| Kopin| MicroLED| OLED Fabs| Vol 23 - Issue 50

MicroLED, the Directview Display of the Third Kind

by Norbert Hildebrand

Many years ago I saw a LED Wall with a pixel pitch of 1mm and was intrigued by the opportunities that such a technology could bring to a low power cinema or TV display …

Tags:LED| Microdisplays| MicroLED| Vol 23 - Issue 42

CSP LEDs Are the Next Step in Development

by Bob Raikes

LEDs have been a hot topic in recent years in the display industry (pardon the pun) and there are interesting technical developments that are helping to drive the adoption of finer pitch LEDs. The …

Tags:LED| MicroLED| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Vol 23 - Issue 42

InfiniLED Bought by Oculus

by Bob Raikes

Oculus VR, owned itself by Facebook, has bought Irish start-up InfiniLed, of Cork, Ireland, (not to be confused with Infiled of China!) which is developing microLEDs. The Irish Times said that this is for …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus VR| Vol 23 - Issue 41

Can Micro-LED replace LCD and OLED?

by Sweta Dash

Micro-LED displays are not yet commercialized or in mass production, but already there are discussions about whether this new technology will replace LCD and OLED in future. This is due to its strong potential …

Tags:MicroLED| Vol 23 - Issue 40