
TCL CSOT Unveils Vision for a Better Future at SID Display Week 2023

by Shawnee Blackwood

In our pre-show debriefing with Jun Zhao, chief executive officer of TCL CSOT, we learned how the company is promoting a new era of sustainable digital display solutions at Display Week 2023. Today, on …

Tags:Automotive| Display Week 2023| LCD| MicroLED| MiniLED| TCL

Innolux and AUO Throttling TV and Laptop Display Production

by Omid Rahmat

Taiwanese LCD panel makers AUO and Innolux are expected to reduce factory utilization this quarter due to an industry downturn. Innolux has said that it is putting on hold production, and furloughing employees, at …

Tags:AUO| Innolux| LCD

A First Look at Hyundai’s Automotive Rollable Display

by Shawnee Blackwood

We covered the initial hints of Hyundai’s rollable display for automotive a few days ago. Now, we get to see it. The display features a QHD resolution and four driving modes, including a full-screen …

Tags:Automotive| Hyundai| LCD| OLED| Rollable Displays