HDR - High Dynamic Range


HDR10+ Sets a New Standard for Picture Quality at IFA 2017

by Damir Lokas

In today’s era of Ultra HD (UHD) TVs, the ultimate goal for those who innovate TV technologies is to achieve lifelike visuals that they seem to pop out of the display. Samsung Electronics’ IFA …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Samsung

RTS Tests UHD and HDR at Montreux Jazz Festival

by Andrew Fenn

Swiss broadcaster Radio Télévision Suisse took the opportunity to test out ultra high-definition and HDR live recording and post-production at this year’s Montreux Jazz Festival, using the Leader LV5490. Kevin Salvidge, Leader’s European Regional …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Pro AV| Vol 24 - Issue 32

Note 8 Pushes the State of Display Art Forward

by Bob Raikes

Last week, Samsung launched its much anticipated Note 8 flagship smartphone and our friend, Dr. Ray Soneira of DisplayMate, got an early chance to look at the display on the new handset and confirmed …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| OLEDs| Samsung| Smartphones| Testing| Vol 24 - Issue 32

Samsung Wins 20th Century Fox & Panasonic for HDR10+

by Damir Lokas

20th Century Fox, Panasonic Corp. and Samsung Electronics announced a new partnership to create an open, royalty-free dynamic metadata platform for High Dynamic Range (HDR) through an associated certification and logo program, tentatively called …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Panasonic| Samsung| Vol 24 - Issue 32

Is New Leadership Needed for Next Generation Cinema?

by Chris Chinnock

In a previous Display Daily, I claimed that the LED Cinema Era has Started. But what are the ramifications of this new technology entering a space that has so far been the exclusive domain …

Tags:Cinema| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Standards| Vol 24 - Issue 30

LG Responds to Reports of 2016 OLED HDR Gaming Issues

by Andrew Fenn

Owners of LG’s 2016 range of OLED TVs are reporting that a recent firmware update has rendered on-screen images far too dark in HDR Game mode. The company has since issued a response to …

Tags:Game Playing| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 24 - Issue 30

Eizo To Take HDR Monitor to BIRTV

by Bob Raikes

Eizo said that it would show a new line of HDR monitor solutions at the Beijing International Radio, TV & Film (BIRTV) Exhibition 2017 in Beijing, China. Eizo will be showcasing its new ColorEdge …

Tags:Back Panel| Broadcast Monitors| Eizo| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 29

Apple Software Indicates HDR & UHD Support

by Bob Raikes

An iOS developer has spotted that in the latest Apple Homepod speaker software update, there are lines of code that refer to an Apple TV version that supports both UltraHD and HDR. The HDR …

Tags:4k| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| UltraHD| Vol 24 - Issue 29

Paramount Finally on Board with Dolby Vision

by Andrew Fenn

Dolby has announced that Paramount will begin mastering and releasing its movies in Dolby Vision. The Ultra HD titles will be released on UHD Blu-ray and via streaming services. Paramount follows Disney, Universal, Warner …

Tags:4k| Blu-ray| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 28

Sigma Adds HDR10+ Support

by Bob Raikes

Sigma Designs said that it would support the HDR10+ HDR specification in its STV7803 and STV7804. The specification is being standardised by SMPTE as ST.2094-40. Sigma said that this is the third version of …

Tags:Chips| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Sigma Designs| Vol 24 - Issue 27

Calman Adds Colour Volume and HLG Support

by Bob Raikes

Spectracal, now part of Portrait Displays, has released a new version of its Calman software (Version 3) that adds new features including measurement of colour volume and HDR support of HLG format. Auto Calibration …

Tags:4k| Colour Grading| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Testing| Vol 24 - Issue 27

LG 2016 OLEDs Add HLG HDR Support

by Bob Raikes

LG has added support for HLG HDR to its C6 and E6 2016 model OLED TVs via a firmware update. 2017 models have had support as standard and it was unclear at publication time …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 24 - Issue 27