Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016


Embedded World Round-Up

by Bob Raikes

Alpha Display is Korea-based although it also has offices in San Jose and Sofia. It specialises in industrial and touch displays and was showing four models in 10.4″, 15″, 17″ and 19″ that are …

Tags:Automotive| Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Game Playing| Industrial Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 09

HDBaseT Bullish on Automotive Take-up

by Bob Raikes

HDBaseT and the developers, Valens, were at the Embedded World show to demonstrate two uses of the technology. First, we looked at a new dongle-based transmitter that has been developed and which can easily …

Tags:Automotive| Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| HDBaseT| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 09

Beneq Exploits EL Advantages

by Bob Raikes

Beneq is the name of the business that is developing EL displays in Espoo, Finland and was at one time owned by Planar. Beneq’s display is being used in laser dentistry equipment. Image:Meko The …

Tags:Automotive| EL (Electroluminescent)| Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Transparent Displays| Vol 23 - Issue 09

Mitsubishi Pushes LCD Operating Specs

by Bob Raikes

The first booth we looked at during Embedded World was the Mitsubishi booth. Although the company only has limited capacity for LCD manufacture, it focuses on special and industrial displays. One of the items …

Tags:Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Industrial Monitors| Large Display Monitor| LCD Modules| Mitsubishi| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 09

electronicdisplays logo resizedbyside

Plenty To See at ED/Embedded World

by Bob Raikes

We managed to get a few hours at the Electronic Displays Conference in Nuremberg which runs alongside the Embedded World trade show. This is an interesting show for industrial applications of displays, but both …

Tags:Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 09

Hendy Highlights “Race to the Bottom”

by Bob Raikes

The final speaker that we heard was Ian Hendy of Hendy Consulting which looks at the finances and development of the supply side of the display industry. His talk was entitled “Race to the …

Tags:Display Supply & Demand| Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Investment| Large Display Monitor| LCD Fabs| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 09

paul gray ihs

Are Chinese Companies Gaining Control of Displays?

by Bob Raikes

Paul Gray of IHS then gave a display market overview which he called “Chinese Companies Gaining Control”. He said that the current “spreading unhappiness” is a logical consequence of the events of recent years. …

Tags:China| Display Supply & Demand| Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Large Display Monitor| Large LCD Supply| LCD Fabs| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 09

Opportunities for Added Value in Large Displays

by Bob Raikes

Our own Managing Editor, Bob Raikes, opened up the afternoon session by looking at the development of the large display markets in Europe. He said that he chose the topic because there are real …

Tags:Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| Mobile Display Monitor| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Vol 23 - Issue 09

Displays in Cars To Include OLEDs

by Bob Raikes

OS Yang is from Samsung Display where he looks after new business in automotive and PIDs. Following up the mention of video walls by Raikes, he said that Samsung Display sells 72% of all …

Tags:Automotive| Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2016| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Samsung Display| Vol 23 - Issue 09