Augmented Reality


US Marines Testing New Virtual Reality Training Tool

by Raverstead

Just prior to I/ITSEC 2014, the US Marines did a field test of a new training solution that uses virtual reality to place virtual objects such as simulated people, aircraft, vehicles, etc. into a …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| I/ITSEC 2014| Large Display Monitor| Military & Defence| Simulation| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Future Augmented Reality for Medical Verticals

by Helen Vince

Augmented Reality – We have talked before about applications for augmented reality in vertical markets as a potential first step into market entry. As a matter of fact, most smaller early developers of augmented …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Internet Addiction Meets Google Glass

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

Augmented Reality – If you have heard of internet addiction, you may envision some geek spending much of his life in front of a computer screen. Now a US serviceman has expanded this view …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Source: Google Finance

PC Magazine Declares Google Glass Dead

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

Augmented Reality – PC Magazine has declared the death of the Google Glass device based on its observations of people not wearing Google Glass in public anymore. This article appeared on October 8th on …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Source: Magic Leap

Magic Leap Heading for a $500 million Investment Round

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

Augmented Reality – When we report on augmented reality it is typically on some new type of hardware concept that the user will devour. One of the key issues with augmented reality today is …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21

Next Q Features Canadian Technology Start-Ups in New York

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

New Technology – Next Q recently held a press event for Canadian technology start-up companies in New York City. The event took place in the LED Lab, a permanent installation from Float 4. There …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Augmented Reality – Phone or Glasses?

by Helen Vince

Augmented Reality – As a reader, you know by now about our obsession with virtual and augmented reality. We believe that these are key technologies that will influence or even define the user interface in …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Google Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Opinion| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21

Qualcomm Wants to Play in the Smartglass Market

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

Augmented Reality – Qualcomm has created a pretty good position for themselves in the smartphone market where they provide processors and chip sets to a wide range of manufacturers. Qualcomm wants to extend its …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 38| Volume 21

Source: Osterhout Design Group

ODG Announces R-6 and R-7 Smartglasses

by Norbert Hildebrand Don't Use

Augmented Reality – The Osterhout Design Group (ODG) was in the news some time ago for selling augmented reality related IP to Microsoft. Whoever thought that this was a way for ODG to get …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 38| Volume 21

Eyedak Uses Smartphone as Screen

by Super User

Eyedak, a company based in Scotland, is developing a VR headset called Vrase, to compete with the Oculus Rift and Sony’s Morpheus. Like Samsung’s (rumoured) Gear VR headset (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 28), …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| SmartGlasses| Smartphones

Vuzix and SAP Offer Apps for AR Headset

by Super User

Augmented Reality – Vuzix has been very busy creating an infrastructure for its M100 augmented reality glasses. SAP, as one of Vuzix’s business partners, is releasing two apps that address the industrial and commercial …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 42| Volume 21| Vuzix