
Infinity AR Developing Vision-based Tracking Solution

Infinity Augmented Reality is an Israeli software start-up company that is using a stereo camera attached to a VR headset to provide a more accurate tracking engine.

The company explained that VR or AR headsets that use a gyro for tracking can drift over time, leading to inaccurate positional information. For applications where positional data is critical, they are developing the use of a stereo camera to allow computer vision algorithms to provide more accurate tracking.

Only a beta concept so far, at CES the company bolted on a pair of cameras to a Zeiss Cinemizer VR headset to illustrate the concept. While a bit creepy looking in the prototype, the idea is to soon offer the technology to headset developers. It can be directly integrated into the Unity game engine, for example, and requires fewer CPU cycles and lower power than a gyroscope solution.