We have covered gaze recognition regularly over recent years, usually at the entry level, so it was interesting to see a high end system from Smart Eye at Itec. The company has two different divisions – Research Instruments and Applied Solutions.
The company was showing a system that had quite high end performance. The firm’s technology can support up to eight sensors that can perform eye-tracking at up to three metres away from the imagers. The systems can be used to analyse the way that operators work using software. For example, it can check if a trainee is paying attention to a particular part of the screen with enough frequency.
Smart Eye provides complete systems which can operate from notebooks, upwards, for simpler systems, although systems with eight sensors need a lot of power.
Smart eye tracking can track users’ attention and alertness. Image:Meko
The Applied Solutions division has been very busy with the automotive segment. The company told us that it has supplied 100 systems to Volvo to be used in commercial vehicles as vehicle makers are very interested in understanding driver behaviour in detail in anticipation of the development of autonomous vehicles.