
Chunghwa Telecom Upgrades to Verimatrix VCAS Ultra

Verimatrix announced today that its long-standing customer Chunghwa Telecom has upgraded to VCAS Ultra, the latest generation of the Verimatrix Video Content Authority System. The Taiwan-based company has relied on the VCAS architecture to provide a suite of solutions for secure video delivery since 2012. Now, as it expands its on-demand offering to include Ultra HD streaming, it has deployed VCAS Ultra to secure new delivery models and support next-generation services and technology.

Architected to enable the transition towards IP and software-based video delivery, VCAS Ultra extends operators’ reach to premium UHD services and advanced hybrid network deployments. VCAS Ultra is also designed to enable operators to take advantage of physical or virtual configurations to support cloud system integrations. It features content security profiles that meet MovieLabs’ defined UHD service requirements, including fully-integrated, multi-network VideoMark watermarking technology, as well as TEE support.

A key driver for the transition to VCAS Ultra is that Verimatrix offers the flexibility for it to be integrated with any IPTV middleware solution, including the one Chunghwa Telecom developed specifically for its new UHD platform.