Emory Kale


Nubia Debuts Glasses-Free 3D Tablet and AR Glasses

by Emory Kale

At MWC 2023, Nubia is showcasing the ZTE Nubia Pad 3D, and its Neovision Glass. The company claims the tablet is the first naked-eye 3D tablet based on AI technology, and the Neovision Glass …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| Augmented Reality| Leia| Nubia| tablet

Xiaomi Wireless AR Glasses Discovery Edition Unveiled

by Emory Kale

At Mobile World Congress 2023 (MWC 2023), the company unveiled its AR offering with a retina-level adaptive display that adjusts to the lighting environment, and enhanced connectivity to its Snapdragon Spaces ready smartphone. The …

Tags:AR Glasses| MicroLED| sony| Xiaomi

The Definitive Text on the History of the GPU

by Emory Kale

Dr. Jon Peddie has just written a three-volume The History of the GPU, published by Springer, tracing its history, the ecosystem and environment, and new developments in the industry. These are the first and …


Samsung’s New Galaxy Book3 Ultra: Connecting All Screens, Now

by Emory Kale

Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Book3 series, its latest flagship PC lineup featuring the Galaxy Book3 Ultra, Book3 Pro 360 and Book3 Pro. The Galaxy Book3 Ultra – Samsung’s new premium PC – features ultra-high-performance computing, …

Tags:Notebooks| Samsung| tablets

PPDS Unveils the ‘Zero Power’ Philips Tableaux Range at ISE 2023

by Emory Kale

PPDS announces the launch of the full size and full colour ‘zero power’ Philips Tableaux advanced colour ePaper (ACeP) signage displays. Each is capable of delivering 24/7 vivid content, while running entirely unplugged and …

Tags:Digital Signage| ISE 2023| Philps| PPDS

Smartphone Shipments Suffer the Largest-Ever Decline in 2022

by Emory Kale

Worldwide smartphone shipments declined 18.3% year over year to 300.3 million units in the fourth quarter of 2022 (4Q22), according to preliminary data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker. The …

Tags:Forecasts| IDC| Smartphone Market

Where Apple Goes We All Follow

by Emory Kale

Apple may have delayed the launch of its M2 Pro and M2 Max products because of a slowdown in sales but it doesn’t seem to be shying away from the fight at this early …


LG Releases Preliminary Earnings for Fourth-Quarter 2022

by Emory Kale

LG Electronics (LG) announced its preliminary earnings results for the fourth quarter and full-year of 2022. The company’s annual revenue for 2022 surpassed KRW 80 trillion for the first time in its history. LG …

Tags:Financial Data| LG Electronics (LGE)