Bob Raikes


Philips Updates on HDR (DS1)

by Bob Raikes

The first session at the Display Summit was on “Trends in High Dynamic Range Ecosystem” (sic). The first speaker was Joop Talstra who is from Philips where he is involved with standardisation. He started …

Tags:Display Summit 2015| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Infocomm 2015| Large Display Monitor| Philips| Vol 22 - Issue 26

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At Infocomm, Less is More

by Bob Raikes

Infocomm had a good buzz this year. It was the first Infocomm that this reporter has attended personally for around ten years. The event now sits in second place after ISE in terms of …

Tags:Collaboration| Infocomm 2015| Large Display Monitor| LED Projectors| Microsoft| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Smart Technologies Inc| Vol 22 - Issue 26

The End of Glass, Vacuum & Metal Technology

by Bob Raikes

Usually, I like to write my editorials in the early morning on press day. I like to get them written while I’m fresh and before I have really started my day. This week is …

Tags:Editorial| Infocomm 2015| Large Display Monitor| LED| Mobile Display Monitor| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Vol 22 - Issue 25

InFocus Highlights LightCast Technology

by Bob Raikes

InFocus, with backing from Foxconn, has been re-positioning itself as a supplier of collaboration products rather than a simple hardware supplier. At Infocomm, the company started by showing us its Saturn system which combines …

Tags:Infocomm 2015| InFocus| Interactive Displays| Large Display Monitor| Projectors| Video Walls| Vol 22 - Issue 26

Sharp Promotes Quality and Touch Performance

by Bob Raikes

Sharp stared by showing us how its PN-V551 ultranarrow bezel monitor has compensation for brightness uniformity, a technique it calls UCCT (Uniform Colour Consistency Technology). We reported on this Sharp Explains B2B Display Push …

Tags:Infocomm 2015| Large Display Monitor| LFD - Large Format Display| sharp| Vol 22 - Issue 26

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Pelican Uses an Array of Cameras for Depth Capture

by Bob Raikes

Christopher Pickett is CEO of Pelican Imaging which has a depth camera for mobile devices. We have previously written about the company, which uses camera arrays and use the multiple images to calculate depth. …

Tags:3D Cameras| 3D Depth Cameras| AWE 2015| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 25

3D Depth Cameras Produce a Lot of Data

by Bob Raikes

Ken Lee is from VanGogh Imaging and he talked about mixed reality for smartphones and wearables. The company has expertise in software and 3D computer vision. VanGogh is seven years old and the firm …

Tags:3D Depth Cameras| Augmented Reality| AWE 2015| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 25

Intel Shows Off its Toyz

by Bob Raikes

The next speaker was Shachar Oz from Intel’s RealSense software group, based in the Middle East and he gave a live demo of the technology being used in the Intel “Toyz” application, which he …

Tags:3D Depth Cameras| AWE 2015| Intel| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 25

SoftKinetics Captures the 3D World

by Bob Raikes

A speaker from the Fraunhofer in Dresden gave a presentation on the bidirectional microdisplay that it has developed. It is said to be ideal for gaze tracking, while showing data to the user. However, …

Tags:3D Depth Cameras| AWE 2015| Microdisplays| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 25

Tobii Explains Gaze in AR

by Bob Raikes

The next session was on hardware and the first speaker was Matthew Clyne, from Tobii Technology, where he is a technology evangelist, working on developing partnerships and supporting developers. Tobii was founded in 2001 …

Tags:Augmented Reality| AWE 2015| Gaze Recognition| Mobile Display Monitor| Tobii| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 25

Will AR Kill Traditional Displays? Citrix Thinks So…

by Bob Raikes

Guy Bieber is from Citrix and he is from the office of the CTO. He showed a video of AR concepts – involving architecture and remote medicine. When you want to make a change, …

Tags:Augmented Reality| AWE 2015| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 25

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AR to Kill the Display Business?

by Bob Raikes

Juergen Lumera of Bosch Automotive, where he is involved in technical documentation, started by saying its easier to get outsiders to introduce AR – insiders are not always trusted. To get out of “sandboxes” …

Tags:Augmented Reality| AWE 2015| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 25