Abontouch, a subsidiary of Palwonn of Taiwan (a PCB maker with facilities in China), said it would take its new AbonMax series touch panels (55″ and 65″ to ISE and also the Embedded World event in Nuremberg. The panels use PCap technology and are available with optional PCs, cameras and audio conferencing. The company claims it has its own approach to patterning. The AbonMax runs either Windows 10 or Mac OS and the display is fitted with HDMI, VGA, DVI and USB connectivity. The company said that it is planning to sell products from “less than $6,000” including a wide angle camera, small form factor (Intel NUC) PC, audio system and stand.
Analyst Comment
As we went to press we saw a Reuters report that Pall Wonn had changed its name to Abonmax, although the CES exhibitor list identifies Abon TouchSystems Inc (which could be the US company). We’ll try to clarify at CES. (BR)
PalWonn’s facilities