Vol 21 - Issue 34


Large iPad Rumour Springs Back to Life

by Super User

There have been multiple claims of a 12″+ iPad, beginning last summer (Display Monitor Vol 20 No 31) but disappearing late last year. Now, Bloomberg has revived the rumour mill, saying that preparations are …

Tags:Apple| iPad| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Microsoft Denies Overheating Issue

by Super User

Despite some models appearing to show an heat warning, the Surface Pro 3 does not overheat, Microsoft has said. Some of the Core i7 models have been found to show a thermometer icon instead …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Microsoft| Recalls & Problems| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Metal Oxide Backplanes Enable $16 Billion Module Market

by Super User

7km² of metal oxide backplanes will be produced for the OLED industry in 2024, says IDTechEx. In a new report (http://tinyurl.com/k9mb9gj), the firm writes that this will enable a $16 billion display module market. …

Tags:Backplanes| Large Display Monitor| Metal Oxide| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Samsung’s TV Monitors Combine Best of Both

by Super User

Samsung’s newest TVs, the 24″ T24D310ES LED and 28″ T28D310ES LED, aim to cover all the ways in which users can receive content: be it broadcast TV, PC or console games, Blu-ray films, an …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Analysts Say Samsung Faces Q3 Profit Slump

by Super User

Analysts in South Korea have lowered their expectations for Samsung’s third quarter profit because of the tough market conditions in which Samsung operates. They cite falling ASPs, the absence of any major product launches …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Samsung| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Tarox Offers LG Videoprojectors

by Super User

German distributor, Tarox, is now offering videoprojectors from LG throughout Germany.

Tags:Distributors| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| Projectors| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Sapphire Spreads Across Asia

by Super User

Engadget claims that Huawei will release a version of the Ascend P7 smartphone with a sapphire screen. ‘A Huawei rep’ said that the phone would be available in limited quantities in China, beginning in …

Tags:China| Huawei| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

DisplaySearch: LG Display Has Begun iWatch Production

by Super User

NPD DisplaySearch’s Charles Annis believes that LG Display is ramping up production of 1.3″ and 1.5″ OLED displays, in preparation for Apple’s iWatch launch. In a blog post (http://tinyurl.com/oskvp46), Annis writes that the displays …

Tags:AMOLED| Flexible Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| NPD DisplaySearch| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Prelonic’s Digital Display is Printed on Paper

by Super User

Germany’s Prelonic has devised a top-indicative electrochromic (EC) display, which can be printed on paper or cardboard. A bottom-indicative display appears behind the substrate – they have previously been developed on transparent materials like …

Tags:Electrochromic Displays| Flexible Displays| Large Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Microsoft ‘Solves’ Cloud Latency for Gaming

by Super User

A white paper by Microsoft Research details a way to lower latency in cloud gaming, using a project called Delorean. In cloud gaming, very little processing is done on the user’s device. Instead, a …

Tags:Cloud Computing| Game Playing| Large Display Monitor| Microsoft| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

Clear Channel Outdoor Sells Russian Unit

by Super User

Clear Channel Outdoor is reported to have sold its Russian business to its general director in Russia, Sergei Kolesnikov. Reports suggest that Clear Channel Outdoor had concerns about the political situation in the region …

Tags:DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21

ARM’s Big.Little Evolves at Ineda

by Super User

A low-power chip, developed by start-up Ineda Systems, has been developed to extend the lifetime of wearable devices. The chip works alongside the main processor. It listens for voice commands at all times and …

Tags:Chips| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Processors| Vol 21 - Issue 34| Volume 21