TVs (TV Sets)


Sony Integrates Playstation Services in Android

by Raverstead

Sources speaking to Mobile Geeks have said that mass production of Sony’s Android TV products (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 29) will begin in January, with release dates beginning in February. As well as …

Tags:Android| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| sony| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 49

Sony to Cut TV and Smartphone for Gaming and Imaging

by Raverstead

Sony plans to cut its TV and smartphone portfolios over the next three years. The move will be made to cut costs, with the company looking to the Playstation and image sensor businesses instead. …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| PlayStation| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Vizio Expands South of the Border

by Raverstead

Vizio has entered the Mexican market. The company’s E-series and M-Series TVs are now being sold through Sams’s Club and Walmart Superstore locations.

Tags:Distributors| Large Display Monitor| LATAM| TVs (TV Sets)| Vizio| Vol 21 - Issue 44| Walmart

TCL’s LCD TV Sales Up 11%

by Raverstead

TCL Multimedia saw LCD TV sales rise 10.7% in October from the same period last year. Sales of smart TVs increased 30.2%. In TCL’s home market of China, the company’s sales volume fell 9.8% …

Tags:China| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TCL| TV Production| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 45

Vizio Lowers Amtran Orders

by Raverstead

LCD TV OEM Amtran will produce less than 10% of Vizio’s TVs going forward, say sources in Asia. Vizio has instead shifted its business to Foxconn, TPV and Wistron, while Amtran is focusing on …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| ODMs & OEMs| sharp| TVs (TV Sets)| Vizio

TCL’s November LCD TV Sales Down 25%

by Raverstead

Weak overall demand for LCD TVs led TCL Multimedia Technology to a 24.8% fall in sales volume in November. In the company’s home market of China, sales volume decreased 18.4% year on year to …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TCL| TV Production| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 49

UHD-TV Is Becoming Mainstream – And Fast

by Helen Vince

4K – After Aldo Cugnini incisively dissected the question of what the 4K in 4K-TV actually means, you may have thought Display Daily was done with UHD-TV articles – at least for this week. …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Opinion| TVs (TV Sets)| UltraHD| Vol 21 - Issue 43| Volume 21

Motion on a Samsung 120Hz TV compared to the Vizio 240Hz TV.

Vizio Launches P-Series UHD TVs

by Matt Brennesholtz Don't Use

Beyond HD – At CES earlier this year, Vizio announced its new P-series of UltraHD Smart TVs. On September 23rd, the product line was launched, with the TVs starting to ship immediately. I had …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| TVs (TV Sets)| UltraHD| Upscaling| Vizio| Vol 21 - Issue 38| Volume 21

Connected Sets Approach 1 Billion in 2020

by Super User

Digital TV Research predicts that almost 1 billion TV sets (965 million) worldwide will be connected to the internet by 2020; up from 339 million expected at the end of this year. The figure …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| OTT Video| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21| Worldwide

Subsidy End Hurts TV Sales in China

by Super User

Sources says that TV sales in China during the country’s National Day holiday, at the start of October, were down between 3% and 5% YoY this year. The energy-saving subsidies that boosted sales in …

Tags:China| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TVs (TV Sets)| UltraHD| Vol 21 - Issue 41| Volume 21

Loewe Stays On-Course Through Thick and (Very) Thin

by Super User

Anyone would agree that Loewe has had a turbulent year, which we are sure the company was happy to see an end to when it was acquired by Stargate Capital GmbH in April (Display …

Tags:IFA 2014| Large Display Monitor| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 36| Volume 21

Sony Bundles Nanoflix for 300 Hours of UltraHD

by Super User

Nanotech Entertainment has signed an agreement with Sony, which will put Nanotech’s ‘Ultraflix’ UltraHD video library app on all of Sony’s 2014 UltraHD TVs. A total of 9 TVs, ranging from 49″ to 85″, …

Tags:4k| Large Display Monitor| OTT Video| sony| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 21 - Issue 37| Volume 21