Samsung Display


Automotive Displays Part II: An Explosion in Creative Design

by Bob Raikes

Automotive is a particularly important market for the firms that do not see their present or future in the long term market for TV and other commodity panels.

Tags:Automotive| BOE| Display Week 2023| Dual Panel LCDs| Flexible Displays| LG Displays (LGD)| MicroLED| MiniLED| OLEDs| Rollable Displays| Samsung Display| showcase| Tianma| Visionox

QD-OLED Comes to Professional Color Monitors

by Bob Raikes

When I first saw the performance and specifications for Samsung’s QD-OLED panels, it seemed to me that a natural market for the technology would be the broadcast monitor market.

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| Colour Critical Monitors| QD-OLED| Samsung Display| TVs (TV Sets)

Omdia Gives its View on IT OLEDs

by Bob Raikes

I was just settling down to do a deep dive into a techie topic related to virtual production and LEDs, when I saw a message on LinkedIn. Once there, I spotted a paper that …

Tags:Apple| OLED Fabs| OLED Notebooks| OLEDs| Samsung Display| tablets

Opportunities at 2023 OLED Korea Conference

by Artem Alekseenko

Opportunities to exhibit are available at UBI Research’s OLED Korea Conference, to be held in Korea from April 12-14, 2023, in the center of the OLED industry, providing information on the latest technology trends …

Tags:Korea| LG Displays (LGD)| MicroLED| OLED International Business Conference 2023| Samsung Display

The Fallacy of Apple’s High OLED Costs

by Omid Rahmat

With a display-centric mindset, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the manufacturing costs of OLEDs are going to cause price rises in Apple’s products. That may be true to some extent—Apple doesn’t shy away …

Tags:Apple| iPad| LG Display| OLED| Samsung Display

First Time in Five Years, Samsung Display Returns to MWC 2023

by Artem Alekseenko

Samsung Display announced its participation in MWC 2023 under the theme of Hyper-Connected through OLED. After a five year hiatus, Samsung Display is returned to the Barcelona, Spain event with a special exhibit showcasing …

Tags:MWC 2023| Samsung Display

Samsung Display Develops the World’s First Large-sized, Touch-Integrated OLED Display

by Artem Alekseenko

Samsung Display announced the successful development of the world’s first large-sized OCTA (On-Cell Touch AMOLED) technology, expanding the technology’s application from smartphone OLED to the laptop OLED panel, with full-scale mass production. Samsung Display …

Tags:OLED & QD-OLED Monitors| Samsung Display| Touch Displays

Next Generation TV Display Trends From CES 2023

by Sweta Dash

Suppliers showcased their NextGen display products at CES giving a glimpse of what to expect in 2023 and beyond. Technology innovations on display panel drive product innovations in the consumer TV market. This year, …

Tags:CES 2023| LG Displays (LGD)| Nanosys| Samsung Display| TCL