Quantum Dots


Scrona’s EHD Printing Comes Together With Avantama’s MicroLED Materials

by Omid Rahmat

EHD printing is, by some accounts, emerging as a revolutionary technology in the field of display technologies, particularly for the fabrication of high-resolution quantum dot LED and MicroLED displays.

Tags:EHD| InkJet Deposition| Manufacturing| MicroLED| Quantum Dots| Scrona| showcase

All Technical Paths to Wider Color Gamut Possible

by Emory Kale

Color gamut growth and HDR are the core technical challenges driving innovation in the industry,

Tags:HDR| NB Phosphor| OLED| Perovskite| Quantum Dots| showcase| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

What are Implications for the QD Display Market of Shoei Acquiring Nanosys

by Sweta Dash

Shoei can provide scale and efficiency needed for lower cost and higher supply of QD materials. With technology developments and more efficient supply chain for QD material, MiniLED QD TV will have higher growth opportunity. 

Tags:Display Week 2023| Nanosys| Quantum Dots| Shoei Chemicals| showcase