

BC04 MicroLED Continues to Throw up New Challenges

by Bob Raikes

Eric Virey is from Yole Développement and we have reported on his talks several times. He looked at MicroLED, asking if it was a viable alternative to OLED and LCD? LED as a technology …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LED| MicroLED| MiniLED| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 21

X-Celeprint Shows 5.1-inch MicroLED Display

by Ken Werner

At SID Display Week, X-Celeprint has been showing, behind closed doors, a technology demonstration of its 5.1-inch microLED Display. This is the largest microLED display using a micro transfer printing process of which I’m …

Tags:MicroLED| SID Display Week 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 20

Macroblock Wins Samsung Business, Optimistic on microLED

by Bob Raikes

Macroblock is reckoned to be the biggest supplier of LED driver chips for video displays (and the second largest maker of all LED drivers) and is based in Taiwan. The LEDInside blog reports that …

Tags:Display Drivers| Large Display Monitor| LED| MicroLED| MiniLED| Vol 25 - Issue 19

LEDinside RoadMap Points to AR for MicroLED

by Bob Raikes

The LEDInside site of TrendForce of Taiwan has shown what it calls a roadmap for microLED and miniLED and has forecast that the chips will generate a business valued at $1.38 billion by 2022 …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| MicroLED| MiniLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 18

Foxconn Takes Share in Epileds and Has Plans…

by Bob Raikes

Companies in the Foxconn group have taken a 7.32% stake in Epileds, a maker of LEDs and may have a plan to become the largest shareholder, according to Taiwanese sources. The stake was enabled …

Tags:Foxconn (Honhai)| Large Display Monitor| LED| MicroLED| MiniLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 18

How Important is a Display these Days?

by Norbert Hildebrand

After the start of the flat panel display, several new product groups came to the market. In many cases the display quality was important for the ultimate success or lack thereof in the market. …

Tags:AMOLED| display technology| LCD| MicroLED| Vol 25 - Issue 18

Epistar Should Have More LEDs in Q3

by Bob Raikes

We reported on plans by Epistar to boost its capacity for VCSEL and GaN LEDs by introducing 6″ wafers rather than 4″. (Epistar Prepares for VCSEL and Mini LED Production). Now reports from Taiwan …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LED| MicroLED| MiniLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 17

Chinese Smartphone Makers to Use LEDs

by Bob Raikes

Taiwanese reports have identified Huawei, Oppo and Xiaomi are planning to use LCDs with miniLED backlights for smartphones in the second half of this year. The LED Inside blog reports that Refond, a Chinese …

Tags:China| MicroLED| MiniLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Optovate Ltd Reveals Further Details Of Its Micro-LED Technology

by Bob Raikes

Optovate has revealed further details of its innovative micro-LED technology, following its first technology announcement in March 2018. Optovate has since 2008 been developing catadioptric micro-optic arrays to enhance the benefits of micro-LED, mini-LED …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 16

Samsung is Not Looking to Commercialise OLED + QD

by Bob Raikes

At a TV launch event in Korea, Han Jong-hee, head of Samsung Electronics’ visual display business has confirmed that the company is not trying to make any kind of OLED TV, but is focusing …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Quantum Dots| Samsung| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 15

TS02 Does RGBW and Sub-pixel Rendering Work for HDR Cinema?

by Chris Chinnock

Gary Feather of Nanolumens spoke next and provided an overview of the wide performance capabilities of LED direct view displays along with their diverse use in terms of applications. He explained that LED screens …

Tags:Cinema| Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Technology Summit on Cinema 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 15

Sony Impresses with 8K CLED Display

by Chris Chinnock

In its NAB opening press conference, the media were able to get a full briefing on all of Sony’s new equipment for broadcast and cinema production. Most of the event was focused on cameras …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| MicroLED| NAB 2018| sony| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 25 - Issue 14