

Laval Virtual 2017 Round-Up

by Bob Raikes

3DRudder’s Motion controller. Image:Meko 3D Rudder has developed a foot pad that can be used to control movement in VR games. Tipping the board moves in the appropriate direction and the board can also …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Foveated Rendering| Laval Virtual 2017| Medical| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Nvidia| Sports and Stadiums| Training| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 12

Barco Has Dental Screens For DACH

by Bob Raikes

Barco is introducing special displays for the dental market and will be initially be distributed in the DACH countries. There are recent standards (DIN 6868-157)for six different classifications of displays for medical displays, which …

Tags:Barco| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 11

VR & Gaze Winning Applications in Medicine

by Bob Raikes

VR and some related technology is turning out to have a number of very interesting medical applications, going beyond the use of VR experiences that are designed to help people with psychological issues such …

Tags:Gaze Recognition| Medical| Ready for Publication| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 11

ECR 2017 Round-Up

by Bob Raikes

Last year we reported on the MedTab, the first DICOM-compatible tablet that is certified for diagnostics (IIS Looks for OEMs for Dicom Tablet). The company told us that it remains the only DICOM tablet …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2017| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 09

Jusha Has Unusual 1MP Monitor

by Bob Raikes

Jusha of China had the biggest booth of the Chinese brands, again, and showed us its new C62 monitor that will replace the C61 monitor which is 30″ 6 megapixel monitor. The IPS panel …

Tags:China| Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2017| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 09

Totoku to Shift to JVC Name

by Bob Raikes

Totoku was taken over by JVC a couple of years ago (the companies each had a significant presence in the broadcast monitor market). However, later this year the medical business will adopt the JVC …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2017| JVC| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 09

Eizo Has New Review and Diagnostic Monitors

by Bob Raikes

The first new monitor that we looked at on the Eizo booth was a clinical review monitor, the MX315W, that we reported on previously (Eizo RadiForce Monitor Has Highest Brightness). The monitor is a …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2017| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 09

Barco Still Looking for ‘Better Outcomes’

by Bob Raikes

Barco was showing one new monitor, a 5 (5.8) megapixel monitor that it calls the Nio Color 5MP. This sits in the range below the 12 megapixel Uniti monitor that it showed first a …

Tags:Barco| Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2017| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 09

ECR Less Interesting than Prior Years

by Bob Raikes

This impressive projection mapped display welcomed delegate at ECR 2017. I’m not sure that the skull gave the kind of positive message, but delegates are mainly radiologists, so may see it differently! Image:MekoThe ECR …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2017| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 09

New Open Frame Monitor is Optically Bonded

by Bob Raikes

Data Modul is planning to show a new 18.5″ FullHD open frame monitor prototype at the forthcoming Embedded World event. It is based on a Sharp panel but has an optically bonded PCap touch …

Tags:Data Modul| Electronic Displays & Embedded World 2017| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 08

How Telesoftas Is Harnessing VR To Empower Public Health

by Isaac Oburu

Imagine a gadget which empowers patients to overcome their life-limiting phobias. TeleSoftas has just received EU funding to research and develop virtual reality applications to do just that. The solution will help treat mental …

Tags:Medical| Virtual Reality