

3IT to Demo Projects at 2017 Summit

by Andrew Fenn

3IT will host an industry event in Berlin later this month. The 3IT Summit takes place on October 23rd and 24th. The company will be demonstrating its two primary projects, 3DinMed and M3D, as …

Tags:3D display| Back Panel| Germany| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 37

An AR Headset Designed for Minimally Invasive Surgery

by Arthur Berman

Founded in 2014 with seed financing from TerraLab, an incubator of the Israeli Innovation Authority, Augmedics Ltd. (Yokne’am Illit, Israel) is a startup developing a device called the ViZOR System. The device is an …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 37

JDI Upgrades 21.3″ 5MP Panel to Reduce Power with LTPS

by Bob Raikes

JDI has introduced a new 21.3″ 5:4 aspect ratio monitor panel which uses an LTPS backplane to improve light efficacy and contrast as well as allowing slimmer borders. The expected application of the panel, …

Tags:Japan Display Inc (JDI)| Large Display Monitor| LCD Panels| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 29

LETI Exhibition Features Health, LED and MicroOLED

by Bob Raikes

We had a whistle stop tour around the exhibition area at Minatec and we spent most time with Aledia. We wrote this up in a recent Display Daily (Aledia Uses Nanowires for MicroLEDs) We …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Leti Days 2017| Medical| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 25

03 Health Needs to Exploit Smartphones

by Bob Raikes

Horiba is a specialist in health care technology and Dr Jai Hakhu said that the company is 70 years old and based in Kyoto, Japan, but with more than 50% of its staff outside …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Leti Days 2017| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 25

PatientPoint Gets $140 million Investment

by Alan Spencer

PatientPoint has completed a $140 million investment round to fund existing programmes, and for acquisitions and partnerships. PatientPoint provides waiting room digital screens in surgeries and hospitals and interactive touchscreens in examination rooms, and …

Tags:Digital Signage| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 25

Can VR Cure a Stutter?

by Yvette Raikes

Gareth Walkom is a student at Nottingham Trent University in the UK. He has been working on a treatment for stuttering using VRET (virtual reality exposure therapy). The headset wearer talks to an animated …

Tags:AR/VR| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 23

JDI to Defer JOLED Acquisition

by Bob Raikes

JDI said this week that it would delay its investment in JOLED until 2018 after originally planning to buy a large stake this year. The date of the acquisition will be decided by the …

Tags:Japan Display Inc (JDI)| JOLED| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| sony| Vol 24 - Issue 22

Tianma Has Broad Range of Special Displays

by Bob Raikes

We seem to have met with Tianma at more shows than any of the other panel suppliers – we met at Electronica, CES, MWC and Embedded World – all in the last seven or …

Tags:Free Form Displays| Large Display Monitor| LCD Panels| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2017| Tianma| Touch| Vol 24 - Issue 21

Study Shows Higher Brightness Helps Mammography

by Bob Raikes

A new study confirms that display luminance has a positive impact on the detectability of breast microcalcifications and spiculated lesions. The results suggest a 10% increased detectability in digital breast tomosynthesis images on a …

Tags:Barco| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 20

Teleradiology is a Trend in the Market

by Bob Raikes

At the ECR radiology event in the last couple of years, we have had some discussions about the change in working practices that has come from the switch to digital in radiology. This has …

Tags:Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 24 - Issue 17

EIZO Releases New Calibration Sensor for Medical Monitor Use & VIP Adaptor

by Bob Raikes

Eizo has a new UX2 sensor for calibration of its RadiForce medical monitors. It features improved humidity and impact resistance compared to other sensors and comes with a protective cap to prevent the sensor …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| Display Calibration| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Video over IP (VIP)| Vol 24 - Issue 14