

Eizo To Acquire Video Data Company in Japan

by Bob Raikes

Eizo Corp announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with Carina System Co., Ltd. of Japan to acquire all the company’s shares. Carina develops hardware, software and integrated systems for healthcare and …

Tags:Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Mergers & Acquisitions| Vol 25 - Issue 14

Fundamental VR Demonstrates New Haptic Feedback System for VR Surgery

by Andrew Fenn

London-based virtual reality company Fundamental VR has shown off its new haptic technology for training surgeons at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai. Fundamental Surgery creates visual surgical experiences with sensory feedback …

Tags:AR/VR| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 12

Eizo Monitor Supports Dual 3G SDI

by Bob Raikes

Eizo Corporation announced the CuratOR EX2621, a 26″ FullHD surgical monitor with “three screen” support and image enhancing technology. It is an upgrade on the CuratOR EX2621 which was released earlier, but has only …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 10

ECR 2018 Round Up

by Bob Raikes

Acula is a small display company from Taiwan that is moving into medical after some history in security monitors. Exploiting its video knowledge and interfaces, it has developed a number of video monitors for …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2018| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Foreseeson Owns Wide Brand

by Bob Raikes

Wide is the brand used by Foreseeson for its monitors although it was also showing an operating room monitor under the FSN brand with a new eight input controller box that can accept a …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Jusha Shows Monitor as a Lightbox

by Bob Raikes

After its very aggressive, very bullish attitude when it decided to first tried to enter the European market, Jusha of China is now much more muted, with the reality of the toughness of competing …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Barco Adds Software Productivity Features

by Bob Raikes

Barco had no new monitors at the show, but the company always has plenty of software features, although staff told us that it tries to carefully tread the line between adding useful features and …

Tags:Barco| Dicom Medical Calibration| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Eizo Highlights Custom OR Options

by Bob Raikes

Eizo did not have a lot of news at the ECR although it did show us a new mount that it has developed at the request of clients who wanted a single mounting system …

Tags:ECR 2018| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

LG Intensifies Medical Push

by Bob Raikes

Over the last couple of years, LG has been intensifying its push into the medical space, with a range of displays for clinical review and surgical applications. Recently, as we saw at ISE, the …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2018| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

JVC Kenwood Boosts Brightness

by Bob Raikes

We reported last year that JVC Kenwood would drop the Totoku brand and the only evidence of the old name at this year’s show was the use of the brand on some old models. …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2018| JVC| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

ECR 2018 is Lively but Not Much New!

by Bob Raikes

The European Congress of Radiology takes place each year at the end of February and is very much a pan-European event that draws delegates from all over the EMEA region and suppliers from around …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2018| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Eizo has Plans for ECR

by Bob Raikes

Eizo will show new products at the ECR at the beginning of March in Vienna. The RX560-MD RadiForce 5-megapixel colour monitor consists of two 21.3″ five megapixel monitors that is intended for mammography. It …

Tags:Dicom Medical Calibration| ECR 2018| Eizo| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Vol 25 - Issue 06