

Display Shipments: Party Like It’s 2019

by Omid Rahmat

Strategizing display manufacturing post-pandemic has no historical context or roadmap that you can call on to provide some succor. Market prognostications suffer from a similar malaise. It may be that the best you can …

Tags:Manufacturing| Supply Chain

New Cross-Linkable Polymer Developed for High-Performance OLEDs

by Emory Kale

This new material could have significant implications for the development of high-performance, solution-processed OLEDs, particularly for use in flexible and wearable electronics. A new research paper funded by the South Korean government and appearing …

Tags:Manufacturing| OLED| R&D (Research & Development)

How China’s Growth in LCD Driver ICs May Be Significant

by Emory Kale

According to one regional research organization, in 2022, mainland China’s share of the global large-size TFT-LCD panel shipment market will increase to about 54%. One outcome is going to be the increase in TFT-LCD …

Tags:Display Drivers| LCD Panels| Manufacturing