InkJet Deposition


Looking Towards OLED’s FMM-Less Futures

by Emory Kale

There is a pressing need to address the limitations of existing VTE equipment, which relies on FMM but is not suitable for large-scale display manufacturing.

Tags:FMM| InkJet Deposition| OLED| Samsung Display| TCL CSOT| UDC| VTE

Scrona’s EHD Printing Comes Together With Avantama’s MicroLED Materials

by Omid Rahmat

EHD printing is, by some accounts, emerging as a revolutionary technology in the field of display technologies, particularly for the fabrication of high-resolution quantum dot LED and MicroLED displays.

Tags:EHD| InkJet Deposition| Manufacturing| MicroLED| Quantum Dots| Scrona| showcase

TCL CSOT Rattles Large OLED Display Market

by Omid Rahmat

The Korean display industry has adopted the mantra that only the paranoid survive, and it may be right.

Tags:China| InkJet Deposition| JOLED| Korea| OLED| showcase| TCL CSOT