
HTC Finalises Smartphone Staff Transfer Deal with Google

by Andrew Fenn

Google and HTC have closed a $1.1 billion deal which will see HTC transfer its ODM smartphone team across to Google. HTC manufactured Google’s Pixel and Pixel 2 smartphones. The staff transfer will see …

Tags:Google| HTC| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 04

HTC Vive Pro Matches Visuals of Samsung Odyssey

by Bob Raikes

HTC launched its new Vive Pro in a dedicated meeting room in the Wynn. The company has upgrade the headset from the original design and from our point of view, the main change is …

Tags:CES 2018| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Simulation| Training| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 02

Vive X Adds 26 More Companies to its AR/VR Acceleration Program

by Norbert Hildebrand

HTC Vive announced that it has added 26 more companies to its AR / VR acceleration program called Vive X. The program contains now more than 80 companies worldwide. The Vive X program is …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 45

VR Market Keeps Growing Says Canalys

by Norbert Hildebrand

The market research firm Canalys released its latest Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Analysis service, which showed that the worldwide shipments of VR headsets exceeded 1 million units per quarter in Q3 2017. According …

Tags:HTC| Market Shares - Brands| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| sony| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 45

HTC Announces Consumer Availability of Vive Tracker and Accessories

by Andrew Fenn

HTC has announced that the Vive Tracker, the tracking module that uses Valve’s Lighthouse tracking standard, is now available to consumers. The Vive Tracker shipped to developers earlier this year, and now boasts support …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 44

Google and HTC Daydream VR Headset is Cancelled

by Andrew Fenn

Google and HTC are no longer working on the standalone Daydream VR headset teased earlier this year. The device was first mentioned back in July, but following HTC’s unveiling of the Vive Focus standalone …

Tags:Google| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 43

HTC Announces Vive Wave VR Open Platform

by Andrew Fenn

HTC has announced Vive Wave, “a VR open platform and toolset that will open up the path to easy mobile VR content development and high-performance device optimisation for third-party partners”. The new platform was …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Software| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 43

Taiwanese Companies Experience Mixed Fortunes

by Yvette Raikes

HTC posted October sales of NT$6.06 billion ($201 million), down 6.8% MoM and 25.8% YoY. This brought turnover for the year to date to NT$52.44 billion ($1.7 billion), a drop of 18.2%. The company …

Tags:Financial Data| HTC| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 24 - Issue 43

HTC Announces Standalone VR Headset for China

by Andrew Fenn

HTC will launch a standalone VR headset for the China market at this year’s Vive Developer Conference in Beijing on November 14th, according to a report on Chinese VR industry news site YiVian. Translating …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 41

NYVR Expo and Conference

by Norbert Hildebrand

The NYVR Expo is a new conference taking place together with the NY PhotoPlus Exhibition and conference. As can be expected, the NYVR was just a side show for the NY PhotoPlus event. While …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HTC| LCD| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 24 - Issue 41