Gesture Recognition


Google Planning WiFi for Android Wear

by Tom Allen

The Verge claims that Google is planning to release an update to Android Wear that will bring Wi-Fi support to devices running the OS. Other smaller updates will add gesture control and UI changes.

Tags:Android| Gesture Recognition| Google Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartwatches| Vol 22 - Issue 11| wireless communications

04 In Cars, Augmented Reality with HUDs is Next Step

by Bob Raikes

The final speaker in the session was Prashanth Halady of Robert Bosch, where he is the Director of the Center of Competence, HMI (Human Machine Interfaces). Bosch’s business covers automation, consumer and automotive products …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Automotive| Electronic Displays 2015| Gesture Recognition| Head Up Displays HUDs| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 09

ZTE Unveils Blade S6 4G Smartphone Adds Six Features

by Tom Allen

The Blade S6, ZTE’s newest smartphone, boasts six key features – hence the name (Samsung is probably unhappy right now – TA). Gesture motion control (‘Smart Sense’) is the first feature. Users can make …

Tags:Android| Gesture Recognition| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 22 - Issue 05| wireless communications| ZTE

Gesture User Interface Design Advances

by Raverstead

The use of gesture user interfaces was discussed by several speakers at TGM. Presenters from AMS and XYZ Interactive addressed the hardware and software necessary to implement gesture user input systems. For its part, …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TGM 2014| Vol 21 - Issue 45

Nimble Sense Hopes to Bring Hand Gestures into Virtual Reality

by Raverstead

Nimble VR (San Francisco, CA) is developing a depth sensing camera that captures the user’s hand and finger positions and motions such that they can be input to a virtual reality headset. Called, Nimble …

Tags:Crowdfunding (Kickstarter etc)| Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Moving Toward a New User Interface

by Raverstead

Jonathan Josephson of Quantum Interface (Austin, Texas) presented an ambitiously titled Motion Tutorial talk at the 2014 Touch Gesture Motion Conference (October 28-30, Austin, Texas) entitled, History of the World of Interfaces and Interactions …

Tags:Gaze Recognition| Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| TGM 2014| Vol 21 - Issue 44

CMOS Sensor Enables 100fps Gesture Tracking

by Super User

A Japanese firm, Exvision, has developed a technology for high-speed gesture control using a conventional CMOS sensor. The Exvision Gesture System (EGS) can recognise both of a user’s hands at 100fps, says the Nikkei …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 36| Volume 21

Touchless Interaction Draws Closer

by Super User

We are on the verge of a touchless interaction to computer interface revolution, according to TouchDisplay founder Dr. Jennifer Colegrove who told LDM that this emerging technology category is set to grow “…from …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Touch Market| Touchless Touch| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21

Gestures Detected Through GSM Reflections

by Super User

A research project at the University of Washington, called Sideswipe, demonstrates a way to control smartphones through gestures – without adding power-hungry components. Some smartphones today use cameras for 3D gesture sensing. However, they …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 39| Volume 21

Skyworth Takes Hillcrest

by Super User

Yet another TV platform has signed up to use Hillcrest’s gesture control technology. China’s Skyworth has joined TCL, Lenovo, LG, Hisense and Roku in using the Freespace Motion Engine technology.

Tags:Back Panel| Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21

Microsoft Iterates on Illumiroom

by Super User

It’s been a few months since we heard anything about Microsoft’s Illumiroom concept (Display Monitor Vol 20 No 4) – not since March, in fact (Display Monitor Vol 21 No 10). Illumiroom uses projectors …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Mapping & Cartography| Microsoft| Vol 21 - Issue 40| Volume 21