

4G To Hit 1 Billion in 2016 Says IDC

by Bob Raikes

IDC said that it expects worldwide smartphone shipments are expected to reach 1.45 billion units with a year-over-year growth rate of 0.6% in 2016, down a long way from the 10.4% growth seen in …

Tags:Android| Apple| IDC| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Operating Systems| Smartphones| Vol 23 - Issue 47

Apple Wins 91% of Smartphone Profits in 3Q16

by Bob Raikes

According to Strategy Analytics, Apple made 91% of the total profits of the smartphone industry ($9 billion) in Q3 2016. Linda Sui, Director at Strategy Analytics, said, “Apple’s ability to maximize pricing and minimize …

Tags:Apple| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 23 - Issue 46


Apple To Fix iPhone 6 Plus ‘Touch disease’ for $149

by Bob Raikes

Apple has decided to offer a service to fix a fault, known as “touch disease” on the iPhone 6 Plus. The service is a standard fee for otherwise working units (with non-cracked and working …

Tags:Apple| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 46| warranty


News Outlets in the US Point at AR Glasses from Apple

by Norbert Hildebrand

A whole range of news outlets (Bloomberg, CNBC, USA Today, The Verge among others) reported on the possibility that Apple is intensifying its work on augmented reality glasses and plan to release a AR …

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 45


Has Apple Committed $4 billion for OLEDs?

by Bob Raikes

Apple Insider flagged up a report from JP Morgan that suggests that Apple’s financial filings suggest that it has placed a purchase order (an “off-balance sheet obligation”) for around $4 billion and the analyst …

Tags:AMOLED| Apple| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Vol 23 - Issue 45


When will our Obsession with Apple End?

by Norbert Hildebrand

For years I have reported on the development of devices like smartphones, tablets, TVs, and anything else that uses a display as a part of the user interface. For a full disclosure; I personally …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 44

Smartphones Not Just From Apple & Samsung

by Bob Raikes

The data website, Statista has compiled IDC’s data on smartphones to create a chart that shows how the smartphone market is slowly becoming less and less about Samsung and Apple. The companies have been …

Tags:Apple| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Smartphone Market| Vol 23 - Issue 44

Apple Drops LG Monitor Prices by 25%

by Bob Raikes

Apple and LG have reduced the prices of the new ‘UltraFine’ Thunderbolt monitors that were launched along with the new MacBook Pro. Apple had come in for quite a lot of criticism because it …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| Thunderbolt| Vol 23 - Issue 44

Bell Fibe TV First Canadian TV Service on Apple TV

by Bob Raikes

Apple has made Fibe TV available on Apple TV in Canada. This allows access to 450 channels live or on demand. Bell in Canade, which runs the service, is also selling the Apple TV …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 44

OWC Dock Adds Features Missing from MacBook Pro

by Bob Raikes

Quickly on the heels of the new MacBook Pro announcement by Apple last week (Apple Event Introduces New Mac Book Pro), OWC has announced a Thunderbolt dock that supports dual UltraHD displays via Thunderbolt, …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Thunderbolt| Vol 23 - Issue 43

Apple Granted Patent for Flexible Phones

by Bob Raikes

PatentlyApple has posted news of a US patent (9,485,862) granted to Apple that was apparently filed under the name of an Apple engineer until granting, so that it remained ‘under the radar’. The patent …

Tags:Apple| Flexible Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Patents| Vol 23 - Issue 43