Perovskite solar cells made by NRELAlthough this development is related to making solar cells, the issue of the use of perovskties is of big interest in the display world, so we noted with interest that scientists at the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have improved the processing window for making perovskite thin films. Normally to make a film, multiple layers and processes are applied that overlap each other. A particular issue is the addition of an anti-solvent that extracts the precursor chemicals. The window for that process is usually only open for a few seconds, but scientists have extended that to as long as 8 minutes.
Solar Cells made by NREL
Using blade-coated absorbers, NREL scientists made a four-cell perovskite module measuring about 12.6 cm². Of that, 11.1 cm² were active in converting sunlight to energy and did so with a stabilised efficiency of 13.3%.