Taiwanese sources, confirmed by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel suggest that the Foxconn investment in Wisconsin has been scaled back to ‘just’ a G6 fab rather than a G6 and a G10.5 plant. The reports also say that Foxconn had been planning to break up and spin out the various parts of Innolux as separate entities, but has now decided to re-structure its management team, instead, with Innolux chairman, Jyh-chau Wang, working with Tanaguchi-san of Sakai Display Products to develop the G10.5 fab that is being built in Guangzhou, China, and due to start prodution next year.
Analyst Comment
The world really won’t need another G10.5 fab in the next few years, given the number that are already on their way. A G6 makes a lot of sense as it can supply smaller panels for applications such as automotive, where Innolux is already strong and has good customer relationships. It could also make smartphone panels. We were sceptical before that a G10.5 will ever get built there and remains so ( Donald Trump Attends Groundbreaking Ceremony for Foxconn Wisconsin Fab) (BR)
President Trump at the opening of the Wisconsin project.