A new model of rules pertaining to TV White Space technology has been issued by the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA), replacing the original published version from 2014.
The Dynamic Spectrum Alliance is a global organisation advocating for laws and regulations that it believes will lead to more efficient and effective spectrum utilisation. Its members work together to create innovative solutions that are hoped to increase the amount of available spectrum, to the benefit of consumers and businesses alike.
The updated rules are meant to offer higher availability for dynamic spectrum devices and stronger protection for incumbent users, as well as closing the digital gap in rural communities. The DSA also says it based the new model rules off of regulatory environments used by Ofcom in the UK and the FCC in the US, and incorporated learnings from the operation of TVWS networks, including DSA member Nominet.
Part of the update rules enable flexible network topologies such as mesh networks, TVWS in high-speed, long-distance scenarios and a streamlined regulatory framework to facilitate market growth. The DSA says rules have been put in place to ensure that TVWS users will not cause interference to incumbent users.