Peter Palomaki


Give me back my gamut, QD-OLED!

by Peter Palomaki

Yes, I recently got a QD-OLED. Yes, I will ruin a perfectly amazing looking $2000 TV. But not today. I have been dying to get my hands on a Samsung S95B ever since seeing …

Tags:Colour (Color)| QD OLEDs| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

First thoughts from SID Display Week 2022

by Peter Palomaki

I write this article with exuberance at the end of an exhausting week. I arrived in San Jose for SID Display Week on Saturday night, and since Sunday morning I have not stopped moving, …

Tags:AUO| EL-QLEDs| LG Displays (LGD)| MicroLED| Nanosys| OLEDs| QD OLEDs| Quantum Dots| Samsung| SID Display Week 2022

Revisiting Color Gamut with Quantum Dots

by Peter Palomaki

As a QD expert I can’t help but think A LOT about color gamut. And frequent readers know how important this is in display technology these days. While there have been updates to the …

Tags:Colour (Color)| Quantum Dots| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

Deuterium in OLED

by Peter Palomaki

If you have been following the CES updates you have no doubt heard from LG about their newest OLED called “OLED EX” and their claim of “Deuterium-based stability.” So what in the world is …

Tags:LG Displays (LGD)| OLEDs

QD Forum 2021 – A Picture Blog

by Peter Palomaki

With the absence of in-person conferences we miss out on the personal nature of attending an event. Shaking hands, chatting, meeting new people, awkwardly trying to remember someone’s name or how you know them. …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| Perovskite| Phosphors & Quantum Dots Industry Forum 2021| QD OLEDs| Quantum Dots

Quantum Dots in Everyday Life

by Peter Palomaki

5 years ago everything started to change. When making small talk with a new acquaintance who asked “So what do you do?” I used to make a valiant attempt at describing quantum dots and …

Tags:Education| Quantum Dots

Will Nanosys Go Public?

by Peter Palomaki

Perhaps it’s not news to some of you, since our trusted editor Bob pointed out last week that Nanosys has been rumored to be exploring an option to go public via a SPAC. I …

Tags:Investment| Mergers & Acquisitions| Nanosys| Quantum Dots

Quantum Dot Round-up at SID Display Week 2021

by Peter Palomaki

It has come and gone again. Display Week 2021 is in the books, although I continue to pick up a few talks here and there since they are all online for another few months. …

Tags:Mergers & Acquisitions| MicroLED| Nanosys| Phosphors| Quantum Dots| SID Display Week 2021

Innovations Abound at TechBlick Quantum Dot Conference

by Peter Palomaki

Even though SID Display Week started this week, I could not help myself from attending a new conference last week with a heavy focus on quantum dot technologies. Since I also dabble in technology …

Tags:Perovskite| Quantum Dots

Counterpoint: Why Cadmium QDs Won’t Die

by Peter Palomaki

It has been said that a good lawyer must be able to argue both sides of a case to be effective. While I don’t have a law degree, I will take the stand here …

Tags:Health and Safety| Quantum Dots| ROHS