Emory Kale


Researchers Couple Light and Matter for Brighter, More Colorful Displays

by Emory Kale

A team of researchers from the University of St Andrews, in collaboration with the University of Cologne, has developed a way to enhance the brightness and color of TVs and smart screen displays while …

Tags:Brightness| Colour Quality| OLED| POLED| R&D (Research & Development)

New Cross-Linkable Polymer Developed for High-Performance OLEDs

by Emory Kale

This new material could have significant implications for the development of high-performance, solution-processed OLEDs, particularly for use in flexible and wearable electronics. A new research paper funded by the South Korean government and appearing …

Tags:Manufacturing| OLED| R&D (Research & Development)

How China’s Growth in LCD Driver ICs May Be Significant

by Emory Kale

According to one regional research organization, in 2022, mainland China’s share of the global large-size TFT-LCD panel shipment market will increase to about 54%. One outcome is going to be the increase in TFT-LCD …

Tags:Display Drivers| LCD Panels| Manufacturing

LG Introduces New Large Format Display for Cruise Ships

by Emory Kale

The new outdoor direct-view LED (dvLED) display series, the LG GNEB from LG Business Solutions USA, is part of the company’s offering of displays for cruise ships, and this one is aimed squarely at …

Tags:DOOH| Large Display Monitor| LG

Researchers Improve Efficiency of Flexible OLED Encapsulation With Alumina

by Emory Kale

Susceptibility to water and oxygen is still one of the biggest hurdles to overcome to achieve the long-term reliable operation of flexible OLED devices. Therefore, a high-performance encapsulation method is critically important to protect …

Tags:Encapsulation| Flexible Displays| OLEDs

Tablets Do Better in China Than PCs

by Emory Kale

The country’s PC market ended the fourth quarter of 2022 on a depressing note, losing 26% YoY. Desktops shipments declined 34% to 3.7 million units, and laptop shipments were down 22% to 8.5 million …

Tags:Android| HarmonyOS| ioS| laptop| Market Data| PC| tablet

Avicena Partners With Osram to Make High Volume MicroLED Chip Connects

by Emory Kale

In October 2022, the company acquired the MicroLED fab and engineering team from Nanosys to accelerate the development and manufacturing of high-speed GaN MicroLEDs for parallel multi-Tbps interconnects. Now, it is partnering with Osram …

Tags:Avicena| MicroLED| Osram| VLC

Kopin’s OLED HMDS for the Military Hits Important Milestone

by Emory Kale

Kopin has achieved a milestone in the production qualification of its high-performance Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) display for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Helmet Mounted Display System (HMDS). Kopin claims its OLED is …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Kopin| OLED

2022 Saw a Decline in AR/VR Headset Shipments

by Emory Kale

The pendulum for AR/VR headsets swung the other way through the course of 2022 as global shipments declined 20.9% year over year to 8.8 million units, according to new data from the International Data …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| IDC| VR

37 Different Foldable Smartphones to Ship in 2023

by Emory Kale

Shipments are projected to rise 45% in 2023 to 18.6 million units as newer models with lower prices, and better displays contribute to growing interest among consumers for this form factor. Analysts at DSCC …

Tags:DSCC| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Samsung

Display Fab Capacity Continues to Outstrip Demand

by Emory Kale

LCD TV panel prices rise 2.7% QoQ with an emphasis on larger size panels (50” through 75”). DSCC is reporting a modest rise in LCD TV panel prices after the plunge in prices that …

Tags:DSCC| LCD Panels| Market Data