Bob Raikes

F Kayser SES

SES Still Sees Growth for Satellite

by Bob Raikes

Ferdinand Kayser gave the SES press talkFor the last several years, this reporter’s IBC experience has started with the annual SES press event (and dinner) which is a great chance to network and talk …

Tags:IBC 2015| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Satellite| SES| Vol 22 - Issue 37

IFA, IBC and Broadcast

by Bob Raikes

Phew! The IFA report and most of this week’s main issue are done and I’ve just got on the train to the airport to fly out for the first IBC event, this evening. There …

Tags:Broadcast| Editorial| IBC 2015| IFA 2015| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OTT Video| Vol 22 - Issue 36

3IT7 And Onward to the TIME Machine…

by Bob Raikes

After the 3IT panel sessions, there was a socialising event with groups of delegates being allowed to have a look at the TiME (Tomorrow’s immersive Multimedia Experience, we think) 180° immersive environment which is …

Tags:360 Degree Cameras| 3IT Event 2015| CAVEs| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 36

3IT6 And 3D, of Course…

by Bob Raikes

The next panel was on 3D and consisted of Josephine Derobe, a stereographer and director, Jacques Verly from the University of Liege and Ludger Pfanz, a professor from HfG Karlsruhe and the director of …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| 3IT Event 2015| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 36

AR Needs Touch and Short Sessions.

by Bob Raikes

The next panel was on Augmented Reality. Dale Herigstad is CEO of SeeSpace and Clemens Conrad is CEO of Vectorform. Iljaitcsch stayed from the previous panel. Herigstad said that his company, which we reported …

Tags:3IT Event 2015| Augmented Reality| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 36

3IT4 3D and VR Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

by Bob Raikes

The next panel was on VR and the first responder was Angus Cameron who is CEO of Vision3, a developer of 3D movies. There is a lot of buzz about VR systems and there …

Tags:360 Degree Cameras| 3D (Three Dimensions)| 3IT Event 2015| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 36

3IT3 Panel Looks at UltraHD and HDR

by Bob Raikes

The next panel consisted of regular contributors to our news, Stephan Heimbecher of Sky Deutschland and Roland Vaiclu of Dolby Labs. Heimbecher started saying that Sky has run two plugfests at the centre over …

Tags:3IT Event 2015| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| UltraHD| Vol 22 - Issue 36

3IT2 Doctors Still Keen on 3D

by Bob Raikes

After the introductions, there were a number of panel sessions. The first was on the subject of the 3DInMed medical project which looked at topics including the capture and transmission of 3D content for …

Tags:3IT Event 2015| Autostereo 3D| Large Display Monitor| Medical| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 36

3IT1 3IT Celebrates its 3rd Birthday

by Bob Raikes

The 3IT started as a 3D research institute three years ago, but last year changed its name to the Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technology, as 3D moved out of fashion. The change meant …

Tags:3IT Event 2015| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 36

Samsung Display Pushes Curves – and Large OLEDs.

by Bob Raikes

Samsung Display had a meeting room conveniently close to the press office. We had a look at the panels on display, but there was little that was particularly new. There was an 82″ 21:9 …

Tags:Curved Displays| IFA 2015| Large Display Monitor| LCD Modules| Mirror Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung Display| Vol 22 - Issue 36

Panel Reviews UltraHD Future

by Bob Raikes

The final panel of the day before the social part of the event covered UltraHD. Julien Libouban is from Orange where he works on audiovisual quality, but he was speaking as part of the …

Tags:IFA 2015| IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| UltraHD & 4K| Vol 22 - Issue 36

“From Fixed Function to App Platform: What’s next for Connected CE?”

by Bob Raikes

Ian Fogg moderated the next session which had a topic “From Fixed Function to App Platform: What’s next for Connected CE?” The first panel was Jacobo Toll-Messia of Hubii, a news content aggregator; Christopher …

Tags:IFA 2015| IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Smart TV| Vol 22 - Issue 36