(Mis)understanding HDMI 2.1

What They Say

FlatpanelsHD as done a deepish dig into the weeds of HDMI2.1 to try to illuminate some of the aspects of the bandwidth specifications often quoted on TVs. It also looks at the longer term issues of variable support for different features.

What We Think

The problem that every feature in an HDMI implementation is optional and lack of clarity in labelling are both long term bugbears in HDMI. I gave up trying to harangue the association at trade shows several years ago as they said simply that that is what their members wanted. Because HDMI is in such a wide range of products from the least to the most sophisticated, it became impossible to mandate features. I argued strongly for special subsets for ‘home cinema’, ‘Game Play’ or ‘Sports TV’ for example, to deliver sets of features that would support particular use cases, with appropriate labelling allowed, but this was not implemented, either. So it remains a mess. (BR)

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