
Western European TV Market Worth $118 Billion

As reported by 9Colonne, quoting data from a report by ITMedia Consulting – “Turning Digital, The Future of Streaming Content”, at the end of 2016, the TV services market in Western Europe reached $118 billion, with an annual growth rate of 2.5%, corresponding to an increase of 17.5% over the whole period 2006-2016, at an average annual rate of more than 1%.

The Internet sector is by far the largest market for all-media advertising, accounting for almost half of total advertising spending in 2016. Some significant changes occurred in terms of platforms. For example, the already high growth rate of IPTV has continued to grow at a significant rate. Technological innovation and new distribution modes, OTT and VoD, have taken over the traditional platforms. The decline in cable-TV has been sustained and steady since 2010. With a total growth of almost 66% in 2011-2016, IPTV has reduced the gap between the two major pay-TV platforms.

The multichannel TV sector shows a somewhat similar picture to 2015 in that traditional advertising revenue sources on traditional channels continue to lose ground compared to multichannel, which now accounts for 63% of the total of $74 billion.

The figures are from the report, “XV Annual Report on IT Media Consulting – Turning Digital: The Future of Streaming Content”.