A press release from VW in Germany, identifies smart glasses as device that will become ‘standard equipment’ at VW. Of course if you think your next Golf will come with smartglasses, think again. The news addresses the use of augmented reality glasses in the logistic area of VW. As VW states, “Plant logistics personnel are to use these glasses for order picking. The objective is to further improve process security in production.”
VW Press Release
VW has been working with augmented reality glasses during a trial run in various areas such as windshields or driveshafts. The use of the smartglasses is voluntary and users are gradually introduced to the new technology. VW will roll out this technology to other areas.
According to a work council member, “the benefits of new technology like the smart glasses can only be assessed effectively if we can check them out in normal production operation.” As an interpretation of the various statements in the press release, management is convinced that AR technology helps to improve productivity and the work council is still facing reservation from workers in using this new technology. (NH)