
Visionect 32″ Sign Lasts for Months on Battery

Visionect has announced a new 32″ E Ink based display that is supplied as a complete solution with a mount, display and software player. It has a battery that can last for months for wireless installation and operation. The unit has integrated Wi-Fi for wireless control.

The monitor has 16-level grayscale and a resolution of 2560 by 1440 pixels and with a refresh rate of 750ms for grey scale, 100ms for black and white. The case is an aluminium brushed design and the surface is protected with glass. The system is said to work with ‘a wide range of CMS solutions.

Deliveries are due to start in Q1 2018 and pre-orders are being taken now with pricing set at €3,500, an introductory price, with €4,000 the planned list price later. If the sign is to be used to generate revenue, a separate licence for the CMS is required.