Unilumin is a company that specializes in LED displays, LED lighting, multi-functional smart poles, and supporting integrated solutions. They are known for their continuous innovation and have made significant advancements in various fields, such as Micro/Mini LED displays, naked-eye 3D digital content, XR virtual shooting, cinema displays, and more.

That company has also gained recognition in the field of virtual production and filmmaking. Its subsidiary ROE Visual is a leading player in the global marketplace, providing virtual filming services for the Oscar-winning movie “Everything Everywhere All at Once.” Unilumin has four DCI-certified displays, and offers a fully linked virtual production solution, including an XR virtual shooting system, full-process solution, and cinema projection system.

Now, Unilumin has been included in the Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in Asia 2023 list published by GYBrand. The list ranks brands based on their estimated brand value, and Unilumin has been ranked as the 495th most valuable brand in Asia, with an estimated brand value of $1.705 billion.