Vol 22 - Issue 31


OLED is FPD’s Only Bright Spot

by Tom Allen

Amidst falling TFT-LCD revenues, OLED is the only display technology with an expected revenue increase, says IHS. Revenues for the overall flat panel display (FPD) industry are expected to fall 2% YoY in 2015, …

Tags:Display Supply & Demand| IHS DisplaySearch| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Philips Prepares for IFA 2015

by Tom Allen

MMD/Philips has shared some of the desktop monitor products that it will bring to IFA 2015. A curved 34″ display will be one of the highlights. The display will feature edge-to-edge glass and ultra-narrow …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| IFA 2015| Large Display Monitor| MMD (AOC Philips)| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Taiwanese TV Shipments Shrink as China Turns Away

by Tom Allen

Shipments of LCD TVs made in Taiwan fell more than 8% YoY in Q2’15, say sources in Asia, as China’s Haier cut orders to Taiwanese makers. Shipments gained some momentum with sales to LG …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Taiwan| TV Production| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Glass-Based OLED Growth Slows

by Tom Allen

IDTechEx has revised its forecast for the global OLED displays market. The firm says that glass-based OLEDs are not growing as fast as expected (mostly due to Samsung’s ‘disappointing’ mobile phone sales). The market …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Another TV Market Exit by Sharp

by Tom Allen

First, Sharp began licensing its low-end TVs in the USA; next, it licensed its entire European TV business to UMC (Sharp ‘Leaves’ TVs in Europe). This move was followed by a complete withdrawal from …

Tags:Hisense| Large Display Monitor| North America| sharp| TV Set Market| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Windows 10 is Microsoft’s Last OS

by Tom Allen

Windows 10 was downloaded onto 14 million devices on the first day of its release. In a blog post Yusuf Mehfi, head of Windows marketing at Microsoft, wrote, “[W]e’re humbled and grateful to see …

Tags:IHS DisplaySearch| Large Display Monitor| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 31| Windows

Innolux to Absorb CMEL

by Milos Pavlovic

On the 1st September, Innolux is to fully absorb its subsidiary, CMEL (which specialises in OLED development). It already owns over 97% of the company according to local sources.

Tags:Innolux| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED Fabs| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Hitbox Wants to Bring 4k to eSports

by Milos Pavlovic

A start-up company called Hitbox wants to bring UltraHD to the eSports industry. The world of live video delivery for competitive gaming is worth around $3.8 billion today, and growing. CEO Martin Klimscha says, …

Tags:4k| Game Playing| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| UltraHD| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Mexico and Argentina Lead DTT

by Tom Allen

DTT services are now available to 85% of the population of Argentina and Mexico – the two LATAM countries with the highest DTT coverage. Mexico intends to complete ASO this year, and Argentina next …

Tags:ASO (Analogue Switch Off)| DTV| Large Display Monitor| LATAM| Mobile Display Monitor| Terrestrial (DTT)| Vol 22 - Issue 31

CSA Opens Tender for HD Service License

by Tom Allen

French broadcasters are being invited to apply for a tender to offer HD services on the FTA DTT platform, by regulator the CSA. These services will use the DVB-T and MPEG-4 standards. Applications must …

Tags:France| HDTV| Large Display Monitor| Terrestrial (DTT)| Vol 22 - Issue 31

Researchers Develop 3D Holographic Projection

by Tom Allen

Two ‘fog screen’ prototype displays have been developed at the City University of Hong Kong. Using projectors to show images, the researchers (Bin Chen, Yaozhun Huang and Miu-Ling) Lam used projection mapping techniques on …

Tags:Holographic Displays| Large Display Monitor| Projection| Vol 22 - Issue 31

And Finally… – Vol 22 No 31

by Tom Allen

We’ve all been there – watching adult videos on a three-monitor set-up with surround sound, in a room with blacked-out windows and soundproofing, is just not immersive or private enough. Luckily, VirtualPorn360.com is here …

Tags:360 Degree Cameras| Back Panel| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 31