
A Mea Culpa on Games and Displays

by Omid Rahmat

Appealing to gamers is appealing to entertainment consumers.

Tags:Consoles| Game monitors| Microsoft| Nintendo| sony| TVs

Right to Repair, A New Channel of Opportunity for Display Manufacturers

by Omid Rahmat

The European Commission (EC) is implementing a new set of rights and tools to make repair services more accessible and convenient for consumers. These initiatives include a right for consumers to request repair from …

Tags:Digital Signage| Right to Repair| Smartphones| TVs

Display Manufacturers Go Green Because it Makes Sense

by Omid Rahmat

Display companies are getting onboard with sustainable manufacturing, the process of designing and producing products in an environmentally responsible and resource-efficient manner. Products are being built with a view to energy efficiency, the use …

Tags:FPD| ISO| LCD| Recycling|| Sustainability| TVs