Super Hi-Vision (8K)


THine Brings 8k in Q3

by Tom Allen

THine Electronics, creator of the V-by-One internal interface, has announced that its V-by-One US technology will be released in Q3’15. V-by-One US is capable of handling 16Gbps speeds per lane (THine Claims 16Gbps Interface), …

Tags:Chips| Interfaces| Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| V-by-one| Vol 23 - Issue 06

THine Claims 16Gbps Interface

by Tom Allen

THine Electronics has developed a 16Gbps ‘ultra-high-speed’ interface technology, which could be used as an internal interface in 8k TVs and other high-resolution applications. The new development is applicable to THine’s V-by-One technology, but …

Tags:Interfaces| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| V-by-one| Vol 23 - Issue 03

IHS Updates 4k Forecast, Warns on 8k

by Tom Allen

Paul Gray of IHS spoke recently at the Hollywood IT Society and Media & Entertainment Services Alliance conference in London, saying that the research firm has increased its UltraHD forecasts for Europe. IHS expects …

Tags:Europe| IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD| Vol 23 - Issue 03

LG Display Overloads with 8K, OLED, Ultra Stretch, Concave, Convex, Transparent, Flexible, Touch Displays! Phew!!!

by Bob Raikes

LG Display (LGD) moved from its hotel suite location this year to the North Meeting Rooms which seems to have meant an overloading of the press sessions as more journalists tried to find out …

Tags:CES 2016| Curved Displays| Desktop Monitors| Flexible Displays| Large Display Monitor| LG Displays (LGD)| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Oxide TFTs| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Transparent Displays| Vol 23 - Issue 02

Changhong is Quiet

by Tom Allen

Changhong was promoting a new brand, ‘Chiq TV’, which applies to all of its new sets to be launched this year. The Q2A and Q2AE TVs are OLED sets, using panels from LG Display. …

Tags:CES 2016| Changhong| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED TVs| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 02

SiTune Releases Tuner for 8K Broadcasts

by Bob Raikes

SiTune Corporation of San Jose has said that it has developed the STN6528, the first tuner capable of supporting the new Advanced Wide Band Digital Satellite Broadcasting Standard (ARIB STD-B44) for broadcasting 8K digital …

Tags:Broadcast| Chips| Large Display Monitor| Semiconductors| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 23 - Issue 01

Canon To Show 8K Video at CES

by Bob Raikes

Canon plans to show 8K video and still images projected on a large screen at CES. The demo will be on booth #13106 in the Central Hall.

Tags:4k| Canon| CES 2016| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 22 - Issue 52

Sharp Prepares 8k for ISE

by Tom Allen

ISE preparations are under-way, with more companies having announced their plans for the show. ISE 2016 will run from the 9th – 12th February in Amsterdam. NEC (4.R24) will again split its stand into …

Tags:Digital Signage| ISE 2016| Large Display Monitor| NEC| Panasonic| Retail| sharp| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| UltraHD| Vol 22 - Issue 49

Ending the Year in 8k

by Tom Allen

Japan’s Red & White Song Competition (Kohaku Uta Gassen) will be broadcast in 8k again (Display Monitor Vol 19 No 51) this year, by NHK. It will be shown in Yokohama, Chiba City, Kyoto …

Tags:4k| Japan Display Inc (JDI)| Large Display Monitor| NHK| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 22 - Issue 49

Video Clarity Compares 8k Video

by Tom Allen

Video Clarity has announced a video quality analysis system for 8k video, as well as an uncompressed SD-to-8k recorder and player. The ClearView Extreme 8k system can be used to measure and analyse the …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 22 - Issue 45

Hisense Will Sell 8k TVs in 2015

by Tom Allen

In an interview with Japan’s Nikkei newspaper, Hisense has said that it plans to release an 8k TV this year. Hisense’s deputy general manager Cao Jianwei clearly states Hisense’s plan is to launch an …

Tags:Hisense| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 22 - Issue 43