

Is Apple Underpricing the Vision Pro?

by Omid Rahmat

Sony’s offering a familiar-looking microdisplay at prices that makes you wonder how much would they add to the cost of a headset.

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Microdisplay| MR| OLED| showcase| sony| VR

Sony Selling 4K OLED Microdisplays in Japan

by Emory Kale

Sony makes some sort of statement by announcing the availability of its Vision Pro microdisplays for sale in Japan this year.

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Microdisplay| MicroLED| showcase| sony| Vision Pro| VR

Sony Crystal LED

Sony Announces Pro AV Roadshow Across North America From August 2023 to February 2024

by Shawnee Blackwood

The purpose of these events is to showcase Sony’s advanced audiovisual (AV) solutions to professionals and enthusiasts. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience firsthand various new products and technologies related to displays, cameras, and speakers used in professional settings.

Tags:Audiovisual| bravia| professional monitor| sony

What is Sony’s Next Move?

by Omid Rahmat

It’s about time Sony made some moves in mobile with its display and camera technologies.

Tags:OLED| smartphone| sony