SID Display Week 2015


Nanosys Calls for Rec 2020 Change and Explains Cadmium Issue

by Bob Raikes

Nanosys CEO Jason Hartlove explains why the firm would like to see the blue primary for Rec 2020 moved and talks about the politically-charged cadmium issue.

Tags:Environment| Nanosys| Quantum Dots| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Dow Updates on Quantum Dots (BC17)

by Bob Raikes

Andrew Lee is from Dow Electronic Materials and is Global Business Director for Display Technologies and his topic was quantum dots. The display business is part of the Dow consumer solutions business which handles …

Tags:Dow Chemical| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Quantum Dots| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Ostendo Shows Impressive Microdisplays

by Bob Raikes

We reported on Ostendo last year when it was in the iZone. They came back this year and we interviewed them about their emissive LED microdisplays.

Tags:Embedded Pico Projectors| Eyewear| LED| Microdisplays| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

LC Materials Are Still Improving, Says Merck (BC16)

by Bob Raikes

The first session in the afternoon was on emerging technologies and applications to increase profit. There were 9 panelists and speakers overall. Roman Maisch is a Senior VP at Merck and he looked at …

Tags:FFS| IPS| Large Display Monitor| LC Materials (Liquid Crystal)| Merck| Mobile Display Monitor| Oxide TFTs| Quantum Dots| SID Display Week 2015| VA (Vertical Align)| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Why Do VCs Invest in Displays, Intel Asks? (BC13)

by Bob Raikes

The final speaker of the morning session was Ron D Reich of Intel Capital where he is Managing Director of the Strategic Transactions Group. He said, after hearing Barnes’ talk, that he wondered why …

Tags:Financial Data| Intel| Large Display Monitor| Mergers & Acquisitions| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

The LCD Industry is Like a “Slinky” – really! (BC14)

by Bob Raikes

David Barnes always has a good angle in his talks. This year, his swansong as he has gone into retirement, he talked about the “Slinky business” and had a “slinky” metal toy moving from …

Tags:Financial Data| Large Display Monitor| LCD Fabs| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Gagnon Identifies Profit Opportunities (BC12)

by Bob Raikes

The next session was on the financial Implications of the display industry and the first speaker was Paul Gagnon of IHS, again.The display market has grown to around 4 billion units, the revenues are …

Tags:IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Large LCD Supply| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| TV Set Market| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Profitable TV Panel Session – Sharp to launch Android TV (BC8)

by Bob Raikes

In a panel session, Gagnon asked what the display industry had done that didn’t work. Bhowmik immediately identified 3D as a technology that just didn’t happen. Sanduski said that the reaction to Avatar was …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Smartphone Market| TV Set Market| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Huawei Explains Phone Size Dynamics (BC9)

by Bob Raikes

Gang Xu is from Huawei’s Consumer Business Group and he talked about consumer experiences for mobile devices. There are a lot of trends in image quality and form factor innovation, but with limits imposed …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Small Medium LCDs| Smartphones| Smartwatches| Vol 22 - Issue 24

US Consumers Want More Resolution (BC8)

by Bob Raikes

Apparently the answer is “a lot”Jim Sanduski is President of Sharp Electronics in the US and he talked about the issues of profitability for the industry. He said that high resolution is a big …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| sharp| SID Display Week 2015| TV Set Market| UltraHD (4KTV)| USA| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Dell Also Looks at the User Experience (BC10)

by Bob Raikes

The next speaker was Erin K Walline who is Director of Engineering – User Experience and Design at Dell. She said that you have to look at the whole experience if you want to …

Tags:Dell| Ergonomics| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| SID Display Week 2015| Touch PCs| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Bhowmik Said Focus on the User Experience

by Bob Raikes

Dr Achin Bhowmik of Intel made himself popular with delegates by saying how fantastic today’s displays are. Customers want to buy products just because of the great displays. However, human interfaces are still largely …

Tags:3D Depth Cameras| Intel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 24