Flexible OLED Fuels Chinese Manufacturers’ Ambitions Against Korean Giants
by Omid Rahmat
Flexible and foldable displays are surging, but at what cost?
Tags:BOE| Flexible Displays| OLED| omdia| Samsung| showcase| Stone Partners| TCL CSOT| Tianma
by Omid Rahmat
Flexible and foldable displays are surging, but at what cost?
Tags:BOE| Flexible Displays| OLED| omdia| Samsung| showcase| Stone Partners| TCL CSOT| Tianma
by Arthur Berman
One obvious advantage of this new approach is that it is a much simpler design than current, commercially available OLED devices that use multilayer stacks.
Tags:OLED| research| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Buying a TV is becoming a subscription service.
Tags:Amazon| Comcast| Roku TV| showcase| Sky Glass| Telly| TV Sets| Xumo
by Bob Raikes
The future for LCD panel production is going to be based on exploiting the factories that have already been built (or are in the process of being built) that are optimized for either VA or IPS/FFS.
Tags:LCD TVs| LCDs| liquid crystal| Merck| showcase| TVs (TV Sets)
by Emory Kale
This research has interesting implications for how layered media interact with light and could lead to brighter, more colorful displays.
Tags:LCD| optical film| research| showcase
by Emory Kale
At Display Week 2023, TCL CSOT managed to get its wow factor by showcasing a groundbreaking 65-inch 8K flexible OLED display, manufactured using IGZO TFT backplane and ultra-precision inkjet printing technology , TCL CSOT was …
Tags:CSOT| Display Week 2023| Flexible Displays| IJP OLED| showcase| TCL
by Jon Peddie
When a child asks a question, if you don’t answer it, or answer it satisfactorily, the child will make up their own answer, this is where all the conspiracy theories come from, children.
Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Holographic Displays| LuxVue| | showcase| VR
by Omid Rahmat
From Scioteq’s cockpit computer the author finds his way to the trend towards more digital displays in planes and how it is fueling some astonishing market growth.
Tags:AMOLED| Augmented Reality| Avionics| Head Up Displays HUDs| OLED| showcase| VR
by Ted Pollak
Having attended my first AWE around 15 years ago, I stopped going after several of them because nothing seemed to change. It was always the same companies with slightly improved AR/VR/XR headsets, usually made …
Tags:Augmented Reality| Gaming| headsets| Magic Leap| showcase| smart glasses| VR| XR