

The Long and Winding Road of LG’s WebOS

by Jon Peddie

LG’s ownership of WebOS is ten years old—longer than any other company, but the OS traces its development back 31 years to 1992.

Tags:AndroidTV| HP| LG| showcase| WebOS

Multi-Monitor Setups Need More Love

by Omid Rahmat

Are we missing the big picture when it comes to multi-monitor opportunities?

Tags:Asus| Dell| Ergonomics| Eyesafe| LG| multi-display| Philips| Samsung| showcase

What are Implications for the QD Display Market of Shoei Acquiring Nanosys

by Sweta Dash

Shoei can provide scale and efficiency needed for lower cost and higher supply of QD materials. With technology developments and more efficient supply chain for QD material, MiniLED QD TV will have higher growth opportunity. 

Tags:Display Week 2023| Nanosys| Quantum Dots| Shoei Chemicals| showcase

Are TVs Still Relevant?

by Chris Chinnock

The TV business has historically been the prestige consumer electronics category, but the profitability of the segment is very challenging for most players.

Tags:Changhong| FireTV| IFA 2023| Konka| Metz| showcase| Tizen| toshiba| TV market| Vestel| WebOS

Huawei Unfolds the Mate X5’s Inner and Outer Displays

by Shawnee Blackwood

Both the internal and external screens of the Collector’s Edition, as well as the external screens of the standard Mate X5, will support 1-120 Hz LTPO adaptive refresh rates.

Tags:Foldable Devices| Huawei| Kunlun Glass| LTPO-AMOLED| showcase| smartphone

The Black Hole of Apple Vision Pro’s Microdisplays

by Omid Rahmat

What Display Daily thinks: The news that LG is not going to start on OLEDos production this year follows a bunch of stories about how Samsung and LG were vying for Apple’s microdisplay business …

Tags:Apple| LG| Microdisplays| OLEDos| showcase| sony

A New 8K Monitor, but Only in China

by Bob Raikes

There was news last week of a new 8K monitor, the VG3281, from ViewSonic that is being sold for the moment just in China. It got me thinking about the development of monitors.

Tags:8K| China| Colour Critical Monitors| Dell| Monitor| showcase| ViewSonic

Transparent Displays, Photovoltaics, and the Multipurpose Window

by Emory Kale

New developments in energy-generating glass suggest a new paradigm for architecture and design, one in which a transparency is just a canvas for many more applications.

Tags:Perovskite| showcase| Transparent Displays| Transparent Semiconductors