Augmented Reality IP is Virtual Reality Money
by Omid Rahmat
How do you measure the true potential of the ROI in AR and VR IP.
Tags:Augmented Reality| showcase| smart glasses| VR| Vuzix| Waveguide Display
by Omid Rahmat
How do you measure the true potential of the ROI in AR and VR IP.
Tags:Augmented Reality| showcase| smart glasses| VR| Vuzix| Waveguide Display
by Emory Kale
Export controls, IP controls, and regional conflicts constrict the display industry in telling ways.
Tags:Intellectual Property| Korea| showcase| US chips act
by Omid Rahmat
Samsung has been slowly but surely upping its MicroLED messaging and positioning. That should elate or shame the rest of the MicroLED industry.
Tags:MicroLED| Samsung| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
OLED is pricier than it needs to be. Go argue about that one.
Tags:color grading| OLED| showcase| UDC
by Joseph Bryans
The company records another consecutive quarter of negative growth reminiscent of more challenging times not experienced since 2001.
Tags:Apple| Apple Watch| financials| iPhone| showcase| tablets| Vision Pro
by Omid Rahmat
The tablet market showed signs of recovery in Q3’23 after several quarters of decline but not for Apple.
Tags:Apple| Canalys| Huawei| iPad| showcase| Xiaomi
by Joseph Bryans
The global smartphone market exhibited a slight decline, slipping by a modest 1% to reach a total of 294.6 million units.
Tags:Canalys| Market Data| showcase| Smartphones| Transsion| Xiaomi
by Omid Rahmat
Regional supply and demand fluctuations suggest an inventory glut is correcting as pricing nears rock bottom.
Tags:China| Display Drivers| Integrated Circuit (IC)| Market Data| showcase| Sigmaintell
by Emory Kale
Total panel area shipments reached around 5.89 million square meters, up 3.3% QoQ and 52% YoY.
Tags:AUO| financials| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
MicroLEDs are hyped but underestimate all at the same time.
Tags:MicroLED| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
Something’s got to give. Diversification into non-display products, cost-cutting and inventory controls are a recipe for distraction.
Tags:BOE| financials| Innolux| LCD| LG| OLED| Samsung| showcase
by Emory Kale
Samsung Display delivered a solid performance in Q3 despite weak market conditions.
Tags:financials| Samsung Display| showcase